
@AmonSemper: Not saying they're bad cars themselves. Just a bad name.

@K5ING: Nuff said.

Front-wheel drive Impala SS.

@ChiefPontiaxe: Would that have anything to do with the rise and fall of the GTO?

Didn't Chevy trademark "Chevelle" a few years ago?

@drewthat: Hard to say. Collins wasn't on until he already started playing the part. They've had a lot of British Touring Car Series drivers on, among others.

Former Formula 1 driver Tiff, 59, co-presented the BBC show from 1987 until it was cancelled in 2001.

@IdiotCircusBoy: Maybe I was reading too much into it, but I thought it was odd that when Hammond introduced Collins for the skateboard vs. Evo/Wildcat segment, he said, "racing driver, Ben Collins," instead his customary "what sort of racing driver this is, ________."

My first two choices have already been said, so I'm switching to my backup option. The 1989 McLaren/ASC Turbo Grand Prix, The General's answer to the Super Coupe.

@buffcoat and beaver: Scrolling through to make sure it hadn't already been posted. I second this. The Fox turbo 'birds were such a huge departure from the previous land yacht Thunderbirds. Small, RWD coupe, great styling, anything from a four-banger to the venerable 5.0 available as motivation...

@passingas: Not a waste when it unlocks the Top Gear test track.

Here's why I don't give a shit...

@stöke enjoys brofist scotch: Came here to post that very image. It was definitely a "holy shit" moment in the episode, mostly because they cut all the footage of them exploring the weather station, which is just off camera.

It's just "Da Yoopers." The "the" is redundant.