
I’ve felt for 20+ years that Caddy has lost their way. WWED. What would Elvis Drive? It sure wouldn’t be a buttoned down sports sedan in triple black. It would be some sort of pink and gold land barge that he wouldn’t have to worry about shifting with a 2 lbs of rings on his hand.

Honestly, I like driving a stick. But there is a limit.

Sorry, 66% of Americans know how to drive a Stick? I drive a stick and 66% of the people don’t understand why there isn’t a D on my gearshift. 66% of those that are left don’t understand how you work 3 pedals at once.  I made the mistake of valet parking it once.   It took about an hour for them to find someone to

The hardest part of the entire process is getting dealerships on board.

Sixty-six percent of American adults surveyed know how to drive a manual.”

They are full of shit, but I like those fake AF numbers if it keeps one more option to choose your own adventure.

They should’ve also mentioned that 72.1% of their customer base would purchase immediately a Shooting Brake CT4-V with a stick.

Probably because China still exists and the Confederacy does not, thus there’s less of an outcry when they implement that ban.

...that could have been the way I exit this world; covered in oil, bloodied and bruised by a rusty bit of angle iron, laying in the mud at a scrapyard. It wouldn’t have been flattering.

Spent a year dead for tax purposes.

How did you write an article about controller accessibility and not mention the Xbox Adaptive Controller?
Microsoft has invested millions of dollars to enable gamers of all abilities to play in their ecosystem while Sony has done practically nothing.

It’s my experience that there’s only one reason a single guy suddenly starts cleaning up his act. So what’s her name?

Better you than me, bud!

As a white guy from the South, I think the difference between the Confederate flag and the Chinese flag is that while the Chinese government is doing awful things, and the current flag specifically came to be when Mao took over, it still represents a country with a massive, sprawling history that has meant many things

V6 Camry's are sleepers. They can boogie in a straight line. Throw summer tires on, and they can turn without being too nautical.

This holiday season, I christen this my “Davidity Scene”

The Confederacy isn’t giving Twitch any money, Can’t say the same about China.

David, you left out the part where you had to frantically wave the crane operator away when he tried to grab your truck.

...Zaphod’s attention however was elsewhere. His attention was riveted on the ship standing next to Hotblack Desiato’s limo. His mouths hung open.

Serious question, would a PPI actually catch something like that? Or would you really have to go looking specifically for that and most PPI wouldn’t catch it?

What I don’t understand about these people ( I understand nothing, btw) is why doing something like this is so damn important to them that they are willing to end their own life as they knew it?