
1st Gear:

Sohla and Andrew make such a great team. They’re both very whimsical. While I was by no means getting tired of the regular ol’ Babish, I like the added dimension to the channel. 

You forgot to factor in when they refinance for another 60 months

Only for the first 150 months.

Only for the first 96 months.  Once it’s paid off, the owner will be a bit more willing to get it dirty.

A shame it’ll be too expensive to take off road

So they upgraded the battery-and-motor system, downgraded the upholstery and threw in a feature that in a sane world would make the car completely uninsurable. Got it. 

If you scrolled down to complain how bad BMWs look now, please enjoy a pic of my E9.

Meanwhile i’m having god damn panic attacks because between several factors with Best Buy, their potential shipping partners (please god don’t let it be FedEx) and my apartment complexes’ absolute stupidity (its two complexes across the road from each other with a non officially recognized by post office signage so no

Even with the tailgate down, this bed isn’t going to fit... heck, even some smaller dirt bikes. I don’t think the bed is supposed to be functional for anything other than having a “dirty area” for those little runs to the Home Depot garden center. Anyone with real truck needs isn’t choosing the new Hummer.

It’s a stupid slogan that has done a lot of damage to the Black Lives Matter movement. After George Floyd’s death, support for BLM hit a high of 67%. Then came “defund the police” and white people gentrifying the protests and support dropped down to around 50%. Also, notice how “black lives matter” which a statement

He also blamed Jamie Harrison’s loss to longtime South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham on the abolitionist slogan, despite Harrison explicitly saying he opposes “all of these efforts to defund the police.”

I think he’s trying to justify his stupid “pre-order to flip it plan.

It was particularly off-putting coming from the owner of a Land Cruiser, a vehicle normally synonymous with a history of wise financial decision making. 

OP doesn’t seem to realize that this exact thinking is how financial crises are made. “I can’t afford this thing but I’m gonna buy it anyways”

I feel like you also have a misunderstanding on Norse history if you think murder and pillage was all they did. Exploration bruh. 

Maybe in the context of one their many articles regarding social issues and gaming - but shoe horning it into the actual console review is just weird.

Absurd addition to this review.  Are we going to mention ongoing tragedies in every review of luxury items and consumer products?  "Here's an RTX 3080, but let's reflect on the pandemic that has killed 240k Americans.  You probably should feel bad for buying this"

Ian also did an entire bullshit editorial about the Biden campaign animal crossing island. I really don't know why he needs to shove so much editorializing into stuff. I get we're in the middle of a horrible pandemic with hundreds of thousands dead, but don't add your political opinion into a fucking review

You know, on any given day you’re alive and enjoying yourself (or not), there are millions of people suffering. Disease, poverty, violence, slavery, and ethnic genocide literally happen every day. The pandemic is just a newer blip on the radar of human distress.