
And if you feel useless in your job and think that your job is irrelevant, remember: there is a guy the BMW factory that installs turn signals!

yes, this is a thing. The wiring insulation in many cars is soy based (and more environmentally friendly). Mice and other critters love to eat it.

Not just VW, FCA has a similar issue. Ask me why I now target Squirrels when I see them on the road.

Wait wha?  

Thanks, but I’ve already got C-SPAN for that.

I want to take this moment for a PSA: DRIVE YOUR CARS during the pandemic, if you can.

If you ever feel useless in life, just remember that Mazda still has people dedicated to rotary engine development.

I think Mazda already filed a patent relating to a small rotary range extender a year or two back. Last I heard there were 15 or so people still dedicated to rotary engine development. 

As someone who played on a WoW PvP server I totally get it. It sucked when you just wanted to level your character and some level 60 rogue comes in and decides he’s going to make your life miserable. But I also used to go into enemy towns and hang out on rooftops and mind control guards to kill low levels. I’m kind of

This is what I look for when I read Jalopnik

I just wanted to drop in and say that I think your new newsletter popups have finally broken my compulsion to use this site (and the other gawker sites). So, thanks, in a way.

I wish it was a person most of the time calling. A robot there isn’t much you can do but a person? Thats fun. I got a call once in a thick accent saying that my factory warranty was about to expire and that I needed to do something about it. Without pause (I was feelin it that day I guess) I said

What do you expect from Jalopnik/former Gawker sites?

Honda isn’t a team. It is an engine supplier.

The logic being you’re only putting yourself at risk, which I agree with.”

Sucks we’ll never get it here in the US but its nice to see it being made at least. Import laws need to be thrown out for cars like these. I can safely assume that every country besides possibly China has stricter emission laws. And when it comes to safety, ain’t no one safe unless you drive a F150superdutymaxpower.

Or Big Corn, given how much “sugar” is HFCS in the US.

She’s definitely a transphobe. That being said, what are you all hoping for? Are you seriously imagining a scenario where she licenses a multi-million dollar video game of her IP and somehow not get paid? Sack up. Either you say goodbye to Hogwarts in whatever form and actually stop buying the shit, or don’t, and stop

I went to a Pizza Hut lunch buffet in New Hampshire 2019. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to live the dream again. You can still find them in some states.

I have an old coworker that was going to take us to the best wing spots in Buffalo. Then Covid hit. We’ll try again next year.