
Just FYI, this fuckknuckle you’re replying to is a lame racist & white supremacist shitposter who pastes irrelevant links all over every article, is not serious about anything he types, and masturbates to Daily Stormer posts regularly. Even the comments here are copy/pasted, which adds lazy shitheel to his list of

I think that’s the point. The idea of calmly approaching people so as not to provoke a response was (white)washed out of the manual and instead replaced with psychos who teach seminars across the country that identify any possiblesuspect” as being a “predator.” They’re moved beyond “protect and serve” and moved

You people?

That’s another thing. All these videos I’ve been seeing I keep noticing one extremely disturbing thing. The cops show up with their guns already drawn. Look at that Jay Pharoah video, this video (if you can stomach it, fuuuuuuck =( or pretty much any of these videos. Cops, guns already in hand, approaching

As this is also my 37-year anniversary, I would like to announce that I am rolling out Spicy Implied Kappa later this month. I will be made available with a number of dipping sauces, including “Long Non Sequitur Only Tangentially Related to Article,” “Overly Intricate Setup for Bad Pun,” “Dated Reference to 90s

There is a lot of room between “do nothing, wait till we can shoot him” and “choke him to death while arresting him”. Like the thousands of arrests they make every day without seriously injuring anyone.

Is it still formed pink chicken slime or is it actual meat nuggs?

They’re not going away. They’re just becoming extremely offensive.

When I went to college I fell in with a bunch of Texans and they told me about measuring distances in beers and six packs. Because of course you would be drinking beer your entire drive and needed to know how much to provision yourself with. 

lol... I always went during the week, after work. Kind of like going to Costco and Ikea. Only go during the week after work. NEVER EVER on the weekend, but you were stuck.  They just closed the one by me here in PWC and moved it to a strip mall, an closed Modell’s Sports or something.

Years ago they had a small DMV place in Fair Oaks Mall that was the easiest and quickest way to do stuff. I renewed tags and my license there all in less than 30 minutes when I went. It was right outside one of the dept. stores so you didn’t have to walk all over the place.  

Cheeseheads are doughty and resilient people,

I am surprised they didn’t sell beer (unless Wisconsin has a really strict control board). Places have literally been putting cocktails in to-go cups (with straw holes) since March.

I get the frustration of not having Lyft and yes, that leaves people with one fewer option for getting around, and yes, they are being particularly pig-headed about it, but let’s not pretend that anyone has any entitlement to a ride-sharing service that didn’t even exist a few years ago.

Can confirm for shitboxes as well. I work in Subprime. Auction numbers are CRAZY high right now.

I get monthly reminders/ads from the dealer I bought my M5 from that I can upgrade now to a new M5 for $105,000 or so. They usually ad in there the benefits of a new warranty and $1,000 or so of gas savings over five years.

“I’m told that it has to be inspected by the NC DMV. I’ve reached out to them but have yet to hear back.”

My takeaway is that the Changli’s quality is about in line with my Fiesta ST’s after 3 months..

I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.

This. There’s a really good pizza shop just a few blocks away from me and the first time I walked in and saw their example slices with cupped pepperoni I nearly cried with joy. We got a large pepperoni and mushroom pie last night and it was heaven.