
I bet Tesla disagrees with you, and they will until a bunch of lawyers make them stop.

It’s a good thing the drivers of Boston are well known for their patience and kindness towards other drivers or this could get ugly over the next few weeks/months.

The lease says they will sell it to the lessee at the end of the contract under certain terms, something that is still an option. Nothing stops you from buying the car and then selling it however you see fit.

Right, she’s going to think God has her back when in reality it was just some nerds at Ford.

There doesn’t have to be anything in the contract as the lessee doesn’t own the car so who it gets sold to isn’t really any of their business.

Ironically enough, dealers often make money selling cars they don’t technically own.

They missed the point of why corporations mandate training. It’s not because the training actually changes anyone’s behavior, it’s just used as a “we told you not to do that anymore and you officially acknowledged it” so that you can then fire the assholes without a wrongful termination suit.

To be honest, we’re probably going to mock you no matter what you do.

The thing is, when you commit a crime like this you don’t get to just make it even and call it good. There has to be some reason to not do it again, punitive in nature.

I bet it’s required for fire safety. Can’t have a door that cannot be opened in the event of emergency.

The McRib appears to have no rhyme or reason but there is actually a method. It comes back whenever beef gets too expensive relative to pork. They don’t want to raise the price of the Big Mac, but they also want to maintain margin so they bring the McRib back whenever they want to discourage you from buying their beef

I mean the bumpers fall off in the rain and the roofs fly off in traffic, this is not too janky for an OEM Tesla fix.

Yup, basically the same thing VW did re the Golf.

Could just be affected by the same shit the rest of the car industry is. There’s few new cars of any kind available, low volume cars are going to be even lower volume as manufacturers focus on things that actually sell.

And what’s funny is he already did that at SpaceX and it’s been wildly successful.

For a follow up, do street racing.

If he had a habit of listening to legal advice he probably wouldn’t have sold flamethrowers to the general public.

I believe a lot of locations have some laws regarding storing that kind of information about minors, or asking minors to enter into such legally binding agreements.

Agreed, and I’m in the same boat. But there are people who want to live there and simply can’t afford to, you can get some of them onboard by fixing the housing problem.

Public transit would help, but it won’t solve it unless you can actually get people to live near where they work. If you’re 30 miles away (and lots of people are) that public transit system is never going to be preferable to owning a car. Too many buses/trains to catch and transfers to make.