
That Morrissey only juke box ain’t nothing to fuck with.

My wife doesn’t care about Marvel and I completely understand. Actually I’m STILL much more surprised when I find out someone is a fan of the MCU than when I find out they just don’t care.

The answer for such complaints is always: “Watch Sullivans Travels and we can talk in the morning.”

So who is going to rebuild the Avengers compound now... Bruce Wayne maybe?

So she decided it’s better to fake dropping a shitload of money to stand in a dusty field in the hot sun with a bunch of stoned strangers for an entire weekend listening to a bunch of bands, of whom, maybe 20% are worth hearing perform? Congrats to her. It took me until my 30s to figure that one out.

The same thing (i.e. raisin maggots) happened to me with a box of Raisinettes when I was a kid. Suffice to say: I haven’t had a Raisinette since circa 1975

1st step in faking sobriety: Don’t post the intro to your article but not the body.

The actual nominally realistic world is still out there if you want to experience it.

Yup, Shakespeare “only” did reimaginings of previous works.

IIRC: Going to court high as fuck is a great way to induce that feeling of panic and paranoia. (the 1986 version of myself was a very stupid boy)

So they’re doing the chicken fight, but with Trump? And people say they’re out of ideas!

Both Blue Ruin and Green Room were excellent but so enervating that I never, ever want to see them again. I can’t wait to see this one... ONCE.


My actual IRL name is Christopher Lloyd. What do I win???

Or My World of Flops.

Unnecessary sequels aren’t a modern phenomena. For instance, did the good folks of the late 1930s really need NINE Torchy Blane movies?

Coming Soon to a Sinclair Station near you: The Roseanne Barr, Dennis Miller & Victoria Jackson Comedy Hour*.

(*Warning: contains no actual comedy)

33% fewer, but still... always improving!

If you refuse to try, you are a loser.

I love my parents, but I couldn’t move away fast enough. On the other hand, my first place was an 800square foot converted chicken coop with no air conditioning and a big crack in the foundation through which an infestation of slugs would issue forth every night. Freedom ain’t free.