
I was saying to my wife I’d really like to see a series about Lupe. She’s fucking boss.

My wife got stung by a jellyfish in Jamaica. Instead of peeing on her we went to the nurse at the resort and she just took out a big jug of plain white vinegar and dabbed a little on the sting. The Lovely Mrs Fastandsloppy said the pain disappered immediately. So, just keep a bit of vinegar on hand if you’re going to

I did that with Empire Strikes Back so when it came out I already knew Vader was Luke’s father and honestly I was a little disappointed in ESB because of that.

*I* was released the same year as the Watts Riot. I guess that makes me a clown

Who else is going to work for free at a polling station other than old-ass retirees? This is the kind of shit you get when you do representative democracy on the cheap.

My sink was clogged so I tried snaking it out myself but I ended up puncturing the 110 year old lead pipes resulting in $6K plumbing bill. And this all happened earlier this week, BTW. Happy Friday!

I just want to point out that, for all our faults, Kansas Citians are very well behaved during our championship bacchanalias.

I still maintain that Louise is going to grow up to be Ilana Wexler from Broad City

My wife and I moved in together when I was 21. Neither of us had any money or prospects for money so we dined on Hamberger Helper (and its unloved sister, Tuna Helper) for years. I can’t stomach the stuff now. There is no nostalgia there.

I know nothing of this person but when I saw the headline I guessed the entire story without thinking too hard. What makes this crap so depressing is the predictablity and the regularity of it all.

Cool, brah. Nihilism is never boring.

Taliban makes bold initiative to rework downtown Manhattan.

Ah, the same approach as for that Catwoman film. I’m sure this will be equally successful and beloved.

Saw him in Vegas about 12 years ago. Great show.

If Jennifer Walters is the opposing council, I would start to feel a little interested.

Dude stood his ground and triumphed. IMHO hes a hero, full stop.

Gosh, you dudes are so catty.

IMO: the Lady Avengers shot was effective, albeit hamfisted, feminist propaganda. HOWEVER, I also thing our current time really, really needs effective feminist propaganda, so I was totally down with it and I was smiling ear to ear as one woman hero after another stepped into frame.

I’ve said it for years, but it’s worth repeating: that’s a damn good song.

Yup. This. Unless you adjust for inflation it’s all smoke and mirrors.