
Didn’t know. Thanks!

First rock concert I ever attended was The Kinks on that tour. They were a great live band. People don’t remember that and it’s a shame.

A lot of people consider “Stone Cold Crazy” off the ALBUM “Sheer Heart Attack” to be the first proto thrash metal song. I don’t disagree.

Except Shear Heart Attack was written and sung by Roger Taylor, not Freddy.

Zappa loved and admired Zappa, full stop.

I’d like to suggest “Sheer Heart Attack” by Queen (ie. the song - which is on News of the World - not the album) is a pretty great swing at punk by exactly the kind of band The Punks were rebelling against. It’s also pretty fucking great, but then, Queen generally was pretty fucking great.

Lemmon and Matthau made a shitload of comedic movies together, on a few of which were sequels.

That book is hella fascist.

Louise is going to grow up to be Ilana Glazer.

If I may indulge in a pet peeve, I hate it when lists are alphabetized so that everything that starts with the word ‘The’ is placed under ‘T’.

IMHO: One common feature with Netflix comedy specials is that comedians who can fill an hour with really A-level material are pretty damn rare. There are a few, but I find most of these fall off in quality dramatically after about 40 minutes. Of course, I’ll still watch the fuck out of this one.

I am saddened when any person falls so far that they feel the only way out is to take their own life. On the other hand, I fucking hate child-diddlers, so I’m conflicted.

Of course Hanks is comfortable in a wig! And when are they going to make a film version of Bosom Buddies anyway?

Late to the party, but I love this show.

I didn’t make it though all of Blood and Wine mostly because at that point I’d played and embarassing amount of Witcher3 and I was just done.

After Trump’s inaugeration I needed a connection to fellow Americans who managed to survive what could have been an extinction event while managing to make some damn fine, uplifting art while hanging on. Of course, I’m talking about Big Band Swing of the 30s and 40s. Good Gawd it’s corny as hell but goddamnit, it’s a

This Christmas I’m going to secretly teach all my conserative cousins’ little kids that if they ever they get caught doing something bad or being mean to someone or lying about anything, they need only shout “FAKE NEWS!” three times and that makes the bad thing OK.

Or! Or, or, or... Or...

The wailing spirit of Roger Ailes will manifest himself to Mr Hannity on Christmas Eve to tell him he is now suffering in the afterlife for his lifetime of corrupting the poltical discource of this once-great land. He’ll inform Hannity that the ghosts of America Past, Present and Future will visit him that very night

And it will be Creed.