
Un-lives matter

Teenage Character Has The Musical( and/or Entertainment) Tastes of a 40-ish Director (and/or Writer) is one of my least favorite movie cliches, but even I thought Baby Driver was entertaining.

Well, in our defense he didn’t fuck the Uber driver...

The main quibble I have with that scene is that it isn’t that easy to push someone off the Staten Island Ferry. There are guard rails and they are quite high.

That’s what really gets me. All the toadies feeding victims into this gaping maw of abuse for decade after decade. How can you live with yourself? How can you look at your children, your siblings, your friends and not think it could be any one of them being used like this by someone just like you? The predators I can

Gosh. Apparently, aside from the habitual drug use, low-grade alcoholism and a general attitude of mean-spirited snarkiness, I’ve lead a exemplary life (so far).

As does Cluelessly Woke Barbie, with her stupid blonde dreadlocks and African National Congress colored evening wear.

We’re rewatching all of Home Movies, which I just discovered is available on Hulu. God I love that show.

Just want to say “Thank You” to the African American voters of Alabama for keeping American from embarrassing ourselves once again.

Any year-ending best of TV list with Better Call Saul in the top 10 and The Good Place at number 1 is a worthy list, IMHO.


.. which would still be less cliche that most of his fiction, now that I think about it.

That photo looks like he should be standing in a hollowed out volcano lair and explaining his plans for world domination to an about-to-escape super-spy.

“There is no need for a predominately Black cast and crew to rely on vaguely Indian or Middle Eastern caricatures for a cheap laugh.”

I put Sondra Locke in my movies because it makes me feel like Clint Eastwood

Personally, I love it when someone drops a sick burn on me because that means they’re as warped by sitcoms as I and we can engage in some playfully harsh banter. But I never initiate it because thats’ uncool.

What Mad Men can’t show is how in the recent past everyone and every place smelled like a day old ashtray.

Obviously you are a libertine who memorizes jokes from Captain Billy’s Wiz Bang

When I was in middle school I saw an airing of The Music Man. In one early scene Prof Harold Hill scandalizes the right-thinking townsfolk of River City by informing them that their little angels were using course words like “Swell”. I thought that was hilarious so I started using “Swell” as my go-to adjective for

I discovered the entire season of this show is available on the TBS app so we watched eps 7 and 8 last night (which included this scene). While Elliot’s breakdown is a highlight, I am most interested to see the reaction around these parts to an interesting subplot featuring a tangential character’s professional