
No. It has been 30 days. It has always been 30 days.

I guess it's back to being known as a Clueless actress instead of just a clueless one.

If there is one thing that most movie trailers do that drives me batty it's the strobe effect. It's that fucking strobe effect that causes my wife to get seizures before almost every fucking movie we see at the theater, (which is why we don't go to the theater anymore)

They've been advertising the hell out of it on YouTube (if you want the kind of YouTubes I do, that is)

They wanted to make a B movie but ended up with a B minus. Sad.

I know! MSG was the gluten of my youth.

I have no allergy to MSG, so I guess the volcanic shits I get when I eat at P.E. must be from the fortune cookies.

Or a show about people from the east side of London and call it… oh wait.

That's why I stick to ascots.

Actually they got an uber because it was cheaper and changed it to a classically yellow cab before it went to print.

He took the place of Iron Pete Best

I've got a couple of issue from the late 70s where Daredevil was a member.

Don't you troll-shame him!

Fun fact: you can be perfectly aware of the ephemeral nature of existence and human connection but still be bummed out when it hits you in the face.

The twist was that they all time traveled back to England in the 1820s to commit petty theft and got sentenced to Australia. See, they're just folks!

"Your daughter made me want to go out and buy space-rubbers right now!"


I loved that they hinted very strongly that Dee and Mac killed a kid and never made any indication that he was OK, really.

He had the look of someone who, for the very first time, felt genuine respect for another human being. It was weirdly sweet.

She has the mysterious power to make you kiss her grits.