
It will certainly be more action packed than Alice Moved.

It's the music. The music is unfuckwithable.

Now begin the Feats Of Strength!

Meh. WW2 movies are so old hat when we'll probably have WW3 in a year or two.

That's what Hollywood calls a "Meet Ew"

I think the main difference between a diner and an Applebee's like restaurant is the ratio of skin-to-tattoo on the waitstaff.

Someday you'll find yourself making a Pewdiepie reference (or something) to your daughter's prom date.and you will think of me.

Because anyone who actually remembers Max Headroom is now old and irrelevant?

Hey, that's not Judge Snell! I call Cultural Appropriation!

"I'll see what I can do" - 2016.

You are making a German spectacle of yourself.

Maybe I consider a half drank can of RC Cola to be sacred and I am sending it out to the Curb Gods. Ever think about that?

I'm too cowardly to be a wide ranging iconoclast. I guess I'll just stick to being insensitive and dismissive to my own deeply and sincerely religious relatives and ancestors by telling anyone who'll listen that Mainstream American Christianity is a sucker cult for dopes.

Full of Schnitzengruben

Or drawling Midwestern Trump supporter.

The FXNow app has full seasons. With and without commentary!

Indeed. Sassy Ebonics Dwarves are the wave of the future.

Also, Russia. Those fertile German loins sure had an impact on the late 19th and early 20th century.

Virgins devoted to Moorcock are the saddest type of virgin.

Now tell us how to say "Romans they go to the house"