I once went to see a revival of Blazing Saddles in a theater and an Asian family with several small kids got up and left in disgust about 3 minutes in, to which I thought: have you heard NOTHING about this movie?!
I once went to see a revival of Blazing Saddles in a theater and an Asian family with several small kids got up and left in disgust about 3 minutes in, to which I thought: have you heard NOTHING about this movie?!
If we were talking English history I'd cheerfully cede the point to you. However, we ain't and you know we ain't. In America the Irish went through a brutal period of adjustment when they first started showing up in large numbers (as is the experience of every new group of mass immigration to America, BTW) but a…
No ants please. How about a talking pie?
Still great, just flawed. Just like every other nation or person on the planet.
I have a sneaking suspicion that you don't. Mostly because I never implied that white people are evil.
You're goin' down!
If you didn't already know it, it is.
Are you about to trot out that old "Irish Indentured Servent" trope to prove that slavery wasn't racial. If so, just stop.
That's the way it always goes. I bet In 100 years all the movies about working in the food industry in the early 21st century will have all white cyborg casts.
And it contained a whole lot of flamboyantly gay dancers in top hats and tails doing the French Mistake.
Who are from Columbia, not Mexico.
I have a drawer full of Funky Winkerbeans that put lie to your egregious falsehoods, sir!
Apparently she's also my wife's aunt and she visits every 4 weeks or so.
I'll just a movie on political grounds if the message or theme of the movie itself is explicitly political, but I'm not going to start prying into every artist's belief system before I decide if a work is worthy or not.
I loved the scene where Barb pegs her neighbor's hairy asshole with a custom made dildo. That really brought the 80s back for me.
Several years ago I won a limited edition album on vinyl of all the times Jim Halpert looked wryly into the Camera. Get's kinda samey after a few tracks.
A young Hank Schrader?
Wow! Spidey Sense works for crafting pop-culture critiques? Who knew?
That's pretty much as far as I made it too.