Sweet crispy Jesus, Lisa Loeb hasn’t aged since the ‘90s. Somewhere in her attic is an aging portrait or a bled-out virgin.
Sweet crispy Jesus, Lisa Loeb hasn’t aged since the ‘90s. Somewhere in her attic is an aging portrait or a bled-out virgin.
Every time I see Lady Gaga, I wonder if that’s Lady Gaga. She keeps altering her face.
No, “stomach flu” is a complete misnomer probably based on how easily stomach bugs tend to spread, but they’re not strains of influenza. Only way the flu hurts your stomach is that if you’re draining a lot of mucus down your throat it can upset your gut, but that’s a secondary problem that can happen with any issue…
Was it the flu you got each time though? Other illnesses can cause flu like symptoms and some people think a simple couple days “bug” is the flu.....it definitely is not (im not including your oct-jan example, that sounds like the flu). It could also be a different strain that you caught than what was accounted for…
Also depends on how much money/PTO you want to lose if you don’t get sick days. Cause the U.S. fucking sucks.
I work as something called a Script Coordinator. Part of my job is to run script clearances to legal and network and get those notes back to the writer’s room. Intially I’ll ding in a room while the writers are going anything that could be suspect (choking on a food product, getting in a car accident, mocking a…
accusing prosecutors of failing to disclose and destroying potentially incriminating evidence.
How to Get Away With Murder is an aspirational quote to Melania.
A friend of mine used to be a network admin at Minnesota Public Radio, so spent lots of time around Garrison Keillor. He said one of the things Keillor was known for was going into a bathroom and basically turning it into a toxic waste dump, and people would whisper to each other what bathroom he’d been using so…
I have another stupid celebrity story that is of little consequence but I must still get it off my chest.
I’m an MSU alum - the President and everyone who knew should be fired. The trustees should be recalled. I am angry beyond reason that LouAnna Simon is still there.
You sound a lot like someone firmly attached to University of Michigan who desperately wants to slam MSU as much as possible.
Students are trying to bring signs into Breslin protesting Simon. Alums are refusing to donate. The board is in shambles for a variety of reasons. There will be a lot of change in East Lansing.
Never trust a man who’s sired multiple children and never changed a poopy diaper.
Detroit would like a word with you
Eagles Fans: Destroying Stereotypes Since Never.
Yes because these same kind of simple tactics arent being used in turn. Seriously, the DNC needs to take out nation wide commercial ad space and get to filming about who holds every seat of power as well as a brief clip of McCaskill offering up the bill for troops and McConnell shooting it down, the exact day the…
For some reason, when I envision this, it includes animatronic bears. (For the kids, yanno.)