
Describing single digit wind chills as “very, very cold” and “serious cold” is ridiculous. Call me when the wind chill is -40 F.

With a headline like that I thought it’d be brutally freezing. 15-20F is a normal winter day where I live, little warmer than normal, actually.

“Very, Very Cold” ?

Well, if you take the case to a Jury trial I think he might get 10-15 years in football jail but he may get off with nothing. On the other hand, if you offer him a plea I bet he’d take 7-9.

“Damn it, Philly we better than this.”

Right? No decent coaches ever got their start there:

If you’re going to buy a new car and finance it for several years, plan to keep it for the term of that loan. So, think about what your potential needs will be at that point in the future and buy the car that will meet those needs so you don’t have to trade up or down.


I’m always amazed by the shear number of people too stupid to use the restroom before they get on a plane.

Now playing

This is the only country song I will gladly listen to ;)

I’ll take country over the bullshit excuse for music called rap any day

Hip-Hop may have more variety but nothing is more Jalopnik than Johnny Cash - One Piece At A Time

Fun Fact*: Hippos wag their tail when shitting becuase they use dung to mark territory, thus the goal is to spread the “word” as broadly as possible. Thus, a most apt analogy.

Sorry to repeat myself but....

The best way to stop bad 15-year-olds with guns is good 15-year-olds with guns.

You shouldn’t. Regardless of where you stand on this issue (I am firmly and aggressively against whaling to the point that I’d actually like to see genuine economic sanctions levied against Japan and Norway), the Sea Shepherd folks are a bunch of psychopaths who do more harm than good, which to be honest is almost

a massive silo collapse, which spilled 10,000 tons of corn across the road.

This is literally the most honest car salesperson I have ever heard. Straight up.