
Exactly, No one should buy new. Lets leave it to the morons and rental fleets.

I like cheap basic cars, less to go wrong. A car is a tool to get me to and from places. I have bought cars from joe, I get them cheap because they are beat to hell and joe doesn’t know the issues he has neglected are simple repairs.

it is a poor investment to buy new. You are paying extra for very little benefit. You could instead buy one with 30,000 miles and save thousands of dollars. And you will barely have to repair anything during your ownership.

What’s wrong with a white malibu? That’s what I drive. LTZ fully loaded but it’s white.

Yes Corporations, Fleet services, and Rental companies are the only ones who should buy new.

You don’t settle a wrongful death suit just to end it. Stewart is a hot head and was partially liable for his death.

You had a solid point until you went with the environmental take.

Idling at caution is not the same. The only reason someone was killed was Stewart gunned the throttle to throw dirt at him and unintentionally killed him. Stewart is partially liable for the incident, so much so that he is willing to settle the lawsuit rather than risk taking it to trial.

Wrestling is at the top. Any day after a competition is terrible, everyone is fat and happy and their digestive system is all screwed up from cutting weight for the past week.

You are both idiots! Mainly because you live in Wisconsin. But it is Washer on the left Dryer on the right! That is how it is done in Minnesota.

It wasn’t a live track, it was under caution.

It wasn’t a hot track. The race was under caution.

Canada confuses me with the metric system and tiny yellow stop lights.

I don’t understand why this is a thing? Why do you feel the need to track down a material object that was sold to someone else. How will it bring closure to you? I just don’t get it. There are more important things to worry about in life than a material possession you or one of your relatives used to own.

You don’t know anything about car ownership, maintenance and repair.

Sounds like Grand Forks North Dakota.

Personally, I am fine driving a basic vehicle. Heck I loved my 04 sentra and it didnt even have cruise control.

more like 84 months.

My dog and cat are named Smokey and Bandit.