
Its coolant!

What do you expect? It was a woman driver after all!

What data do you have to support that Kaepernick would lead the Texans to the playoffs?

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For Minnesota fans it is officially time for this

I don’t have a story for here either. I can read a map on the rare occasion that one is needed.

How? if you are not in a job that requires a suit or even a shirt and tie, why would you need to dress that way. further more if you are in a professional job that works out in the elements, you are way over dressed and not prepared to get down and dirty.

Currently I am at work and wearing cargo shorts, t shirt, sandals, and a baseball hat. suck on that corporate world!!!!!!!!

This may be shocking but the border patrol is a gigantic beast with way too much funding and man power. The major problem is they have extended authority in the “100 mile zone” they can search, harass, and annoy basically anyone. it gets worse when you are 45 mile from the border where they can enter any dwelling or

Boxing is trying to improve its image.

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Only one way to enter from the bullpen the Big Tyne way!!!

it is 2 weeks later and I still care!!! Who played who??? !BOOM!

Initially I thought I went through my lip because the nerve relocated the pain there and all the blood. I didn’t figure out until I was about to go step out of the car and walk into the emergency room that it was just a stab to the face and I was going to be ok without any major medical attention. But man it hurt

I have the same story except with added minor nerve damage next to my right nostril.

Swat and smashing down doors isn’t very common in south west Minnesota. His drug task force takes down low level dealers and does controlled buys. Violence with drug dealers is uncommon outside of the metro area.

That’s not his partner, he is from a different agency.

Yeah there is no form of combat where punching and kicking is a way of controlling your opponent. This was straight up assault and he should never hold a badge again.

Dassey can finally watch wrestle mania from the comfort of his own trailer.

My neighbor is missing both her side mirrors. From 2 different incidents (more than likely hit and runs) !!! Those are the people this technology is made for.

my cd player is jammed with the old owners smooth jazz cd that won’t come out and my car is not equipped with cruise control that I could use daily on my secluded commute in North Dakota.