
I thought for a second during one of the meandering, nonsensical answers he was going to talk about the onion he wore on his belt, which was the fashion at the time.

All of this is just more distraction, as clearly the more notable crimes here are Adam Schiff having a thin neck and Nancy Pelosi being a woman.

Republican slogans;

The Boomers hated on their parents. Called them squares and said they didn’t get it. So now, it’s what goes around, comes around. Circle of life and whatnot.

He and his handlers probably think it makes him look “macho” and “busy”— two things he definitely ain’t.

If they’re still calling themselves republicans then they don’t get to say shit.  Fuck ‘em.  Either leave the nazi party or shut the fuck up, those are the options.

“be doing the moon.”

He isn’t ever going to start a war with Iran because Vlad has specifically told him that it is off limits and any breach of this order will result in major pee tape/financial disclosure related consequences.

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

Five bucks says the Patriots knew about this. Five more says the Raiders didn't.

The reason real he and Ben Roethlisberger didn’t get along was because they were too similar.


This isn’t what the reporters meant when they asked him if Big Ben’s winning ways rubbed off on him.

Steelers fans like him again now

An affront to pussies, asses, and bitches everywhere.

This is what the leader of the free world is doing with his time; he is arguing with a singer and his wife on a fucked up social media platform. Millions of people are ok with this embarrassment.  This is what we do now.  This is America.  Fuck...

Anybody want to take a guess at how BLOTUS will manage to shit the bed on 9/11? I figure a whole lot of hate tweeting Hollywood and probably accusing Ilhan Omar of having masterminded the attack.

I hate Huckabees.

A stopped clock is right twice a day and this is one of those times that I agree with Trump.