
A circumcised penis does generally look better on camera, yes.

He probably started with masturbating in front of small animals.

When he said he was a “fucking soldier,” he wasn’t kidding.

He clearly wasn’t a team player, since his only true joy was playing with himself.

How can you criticize a guy who is always pulling for his teammates?

The reason is “Because he’s a skinflint cheapskate con man grifter, as he has been his entire life.” But the odds are real good he’s found a way to actually lose money somehow by skipping on his bills.

Fuck Trump with a rusty pitchfork, but at the same time: I have precisely zero sympathy for anyone dumb enough to enter a good faith agreement with Donald fucking Trump with money involved. Holy shit, the man has a track record decades long of going back on signed contracts, and his tenure as president has been marked

Thank you, that SEEMS to be a close approximation. And that line of reasoning does fit his lysergic-acid-soaked thought processes. He thinks the American government should sue American companies and win settlements, and he thinks lawsuits are a way to do business because it’s the only way HE has ever done business

Translation: I and the Europeam Union don’t actually think that the big tech companies are monopolies but since the EU hates America and American success they sue the big tech companies and then get tons of money in the form of a settlement. (Less than if we actually taxed them but still!) We (the united states)

See without The Fox News filter his stupidity and lack of knowledge is even worse than usual. Again this man should not be allowed to operate a TV remote much less the United States. Thanks white women.

I will laugh and cheer the day Trump finally rides in a funeral home limousine 

“Kavanaugh’s confirmation, while always a long shot to prevent.”

Jesus, the facial expressions, the posture, the hilarious fucking tailoring... this would be bad satire. I know I’ve said this before but I just still can’t believe this is the real life we’re stuck with. This would be laughably bad for a made-for-cable movie. 

Trump really can’t wear clothes properly.

His resting face always looks like he wandered into a public library without his pants on looking to order a fried chicken sandwich.

He’s a 45 who thinks he’s a 32.

Wow...just...wow. For all those needing an eyeball cleanser, I present you with this:

He also has the most awkward body language I’ve even seen on an adult person. He seems to be incapable of holding his body or arranging his face in a way that does not seemed forced, awkward and cringe-worthy. 

Melania looks like she’s trying to be a drag queen and failing hard at it.