
I don’t have anything groundbreaking to add here, just wanted to say that I went to high school with James (Jamie Holzhauer, as he was known back then) and his brother Ian at Naperville North in the late 90s/early 2000s, and they were both super nice guys that treated everyone the same regardless of clique/social

Sorry, but the correct response was “What is, Annapolis?”

He didn’t have enough to pass Emma, so he was betting to make sure the 3rd place guy couldn’t pass him in case Emma bet big and answered incorrectly. It was his only play. 

For the first time ever, the best dehydrated curry was not from Vermont (Ok, Japan).

I second this question. A sitting president actively calling for the failure of a US company seems... unconstitutional?

Love it.

In case you needed a reminder, this is a very weird thing for a president to be doing.

until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP.

I absolutely love that fact. His own reasoning is so ass backwards it is just insane. Their reason for the tariffs isn’t our own southern border, but the migrants getting into Mexico in the first place. So basically he is claiming a national emergency because of a situation at a border of Mexico that doesn’t touch the

It’s insanely disturbing and also a bafflement that everyone, even the actual media, seems to have forgotten that unilaterally imposing tariffs without approval from Congress is an emergency act. The law is, it’s supposed to be an an actual emergency, and one in which the president doesn’t even have time to consult

It’s important to note that beyond the tariff costing US consumers, it is in response to Central American migrants. Mexico has been working closely with the US at its own southern border to address that situation to the time of billions of dollars. Stephen Miller, aka Iago, is too evil/ignorant to admit that the whole

Far be it from me to talk back to the “adult in the room” and the “grown up” but do you really believe the stuff you’re saying because you have been rendered clueless by privilege or is this just concern-trolling? Feels like the latter but in the event that your comments are sincere (while at the same time managing

A good bartender is worth a thousand bottom feeding law clerks from the Heritage Foundation.

Ben Shapiro is for sure going to masturbate to this article.

I still maintain the worst thing this Presidency has done is push forward the idea of shouting down facts if they don’t match your own reality.

See! As Quantum Jimmies has clearly stated, the President has been exonerated!

Mueller could have come out and said, “Donald Trump committed a crime,” and then played a video of Donald Trump committing that crime, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders would have a released a statement along the lines of, “As Robert Mueller stated and proved with video evidence Donald Trump did not commit a crime.”

He could have very clearly stated today “ I was not given the option to indict the president due to justice department policy, I believe the report has enough evidence to begin impeachment proceedings” but he fucking didn’t, he was mealy mouthed about what his report was, then skirted off without taking questions. 

Whatever it is, I got “over”.

“If we had had confidence that the president had clearly not committed a crime we would have said so,” Mueller said.