
Yeah, but she ain’t wrong. I’m all for keeping progressive momentum going in pulling the Democratic party more to the left through primaries. But in 2018 the House was flipped by less leftist Democrats winning in swing districts, not the (outstanding people that we need more of) handful of progressives who won in

I wish they had shown him with an increasing amount of snow accumulating on his person because he hadn’t moved all episode. Sometime next episode the camera should pan to a vaguely person-in-a-wheelchair shaped pile of snow in the middle of the courtyard.

Found this in another article's comments section, it feels appropriate.

Black people need to embrace their LGBTQ+ children.  I don’t have any kids but when I do want to love and support my children in every way, it won’t matter who my children love because many gay men and lesbian women have been just people to me love is love.  I would be far more hurt if any of my children turn out to

...He then collapsed onto the four-post heirloom which then collapsed under him, leaving the floorboards 10% more uneven. Someone heard him gasp “Obaaama” at the last.

“A good bed to die in,” Trump mused. He then collapsed onto the top of the four-post heirloom, breathing his last. The. End.

I think the Star Trek: TNG might be the only other finale I think of as fondly as Breaking Bad.
Almost but not quite for the Wire finale.

The successful finale hit-rate of otherwise great shows is so low that just by the numbers, it’s hard to expect this to be satisfactory.

Announcer: SANTA MARIA!!!

I’m so tired of all of this. You can change a few words of every Trump story, but it’s all the same thing.

2019 is wild. The Republicans chosen to be part of this healthcare policy group include Mitt Romney - who gave us Romneycare and the fundamental blueprint for Obamacare – and Rick Scott – who was fined $1.7 billion for defrauding Medicare.

Coincidentally, “thoughts and prayers” is their plan. Stay well!

The plan is to model US Healthcare off of Trump University, isn’t it? 

I use denture tabs to clean mine every day, which is necessary because they are truly disgusting after a night of being repeatedly coated with slimey saliva.

If Beto would have run in 2020 he would have had a pretty good chance at beating Coryn. Then all Beto has to do is exist and go on TV once in a while and say the right thing about current events. The next time the Democrats needed a candidate in 2024 or 2028 he would have been the front runner. Especially if he found

Unfortunately being Chaotic Evil affords +5 defense, as well as the 20% resistance afforded by being of the Turtle Man race.

He is protected by his shell. Luckily for him, he didn’t end up on his back.

The only problem is that he didn’t hit his head on the ground and was killed instantly. 

And the total hypocrisy of them having spent so much time calling for Hillary’s head over merely having a private email server. She had the courage and tenacity to face an unnecessarily long witch hunt investigation head on, and spent zero time whining about it on Twitter or trying to obstruct justice. That’s called

I mean, obviously the report was damning, or Barr would have been delighted to release it immediately in its entirety. The plan for literally years now- Fox News is a one-trick propaganda pony, after all- has been to smear, obfuscate and delay as long as possible, until “the Mueller Report” is cemented in the public