
What are the mental gymnastics involved in trying to find context in “Wait, wait! Hold on a second. The rapist, in this case, has made a lifelong commitment to live and take care of the person, so it is a little different. I mean, let’s me honest about it” P.S. Jeffs was ultimately convicted of raping 12 and 15 year

Your name is an oxymoron. You, however, are just a regular moron.

It’s true, I am kind of uptight about not condoning sex with children.

Can’t come up with 6 figures?

It appears to be a violation of the emoluments clause. But despite how obviously this flies in the face of good and honest governance, due to the nature of Trump’s business interests that would be extremely hard to prove in a court of law. Past presidents would have been compelled by shame to sell their businesses or

Wow. The Chinese have better access to Trump than American journalists do.

I wish that this surprised me.

Unlike most contractors who worked for Trump, Yang quickly learned to get paid beforehand.

We know who what team she was rooting for... She’s always pulling for Kraft.

check the girls for orange palms

I’d say that it’s more likely he left without paying and threatened to report the attendant to ICE if she complained.

So there’s like, ZERO chance that Trump hasn’t gone to one of these places, right?

My point is that Democrats put no energy into engaging the Republicans when they actually do horrific shit but let themselves get led by the nose at every opportunity by bad-faith actors.

The only litmus test for elected officials should be do they serve the interests of the american people, not does AIPAC think they are pro-Israel enough. You cannot be a ‘no criticism for an ally ever’ when it comes to Israel, and then start trade wars with Canada, who has been an ally since WWI.

It is if you are a politician trying to get your message out in 2019. Twitter is a shithole, but Trump and Ocasio-Cortez are proof that if you can’t navigate that shithole you no longer make the cut for the big show

Counterpoint: Twitter is a shithole and everyone should stay off it, especially politicians because politics requires nuance, which takes more than 280 characters.

has produced a faction of the Democratic Party that’s simply not taking this shit anymore.”

This over-the-top reaction to Omar’s comments proves her point, in my opinion. Israel is hands-off when it comes to questioning America’s foreign policies. When discussing any other country, if Omar’s stance isn’t “America first, America second” they’ll paint her as a foreigner with an anti-American agenda.