
LOL’d at “wanked themselves into a coma”

She’s not British and she’s not white. It would be more shocking if the DM didn’t go after her. (See how they treat Meghan compared to Kate).

The Trump c(k)lan just, JUST, did a whole family twitter thread joking about Native American genocide, and Malia’s post-its are the story over at DM...

The Daily Mail ran a big story today on Malia’s alleged “secret” Facebook account full of “anti-Trump messages,”

Guys, cmon, give her a break, she couldn’t clap because her hands were busy holding the headphones up to her ear. 

To expound on this a bit more having seen the whole interview, it was really a mixed bag from a PR perspective. On one hand, we learn a lot of stuff that was going on that we would have never heard from Rob Rosenstein, who is even more feckless than either Comey or McCabe. We learned of some damning stuff McCabe

Graham just wants to get all access to all that gossipy Russian intel - I bet he has no one on the inside willing to give the really dirty deets. The rethugs that know something are eating their notes, and the dems are protecting Mueller and give zero fucks about ole Lindsey.

But Lindsay isn’t going to investigate anything. All he’s going to do is throw a bunch of shit out there to cover up the fact there is an actual Russian asset in the White House and that the whole thing is an Obama/Clinton deep state plot.

Holding the headphones up to her ear so she doesn’t muss her hair is especially infuriating to me for some reason. “I’ll pretend to be an important White House official, but not if it inconveniences me in even the most trivial ways. This hairstyle is too expensive for some grody headphones!”

“However, the past two months have been grueling for my family due to the increased tax burden of hiring a legal nanny to watch over my children while i am busy separating kids from their parents.”

I know from experience that when you’re already working with a terrible talent pool, finding anyone competent can be taxing. Throw in Trump’s own general laziness and incompetence, and the fact that literally nobody with any possible future career prospects will be associated with this adrift, burning garbage barge

eh, i see her as along for the ride. I care more about mnuchin, zinke and that motherfucker Pruitt. I want them thoroughly scrutinized.

We are the bad guys.

Get a load of Daughter Dingus sitting there like she’s some sort of V.I.P. She’s as out of place as a flea-ridden dog at an elegant dinner party or a loud fart in church. As far as Pence goes, that ass-clown is Waddlin’ Don’s #2 which sums him up quite nicely. If you don’t want to stink, don’t roll around in shit.

Is it too much to hope that Ivanka gets indicted? Is it too greedy? Should we just be happy with Eric and Jr.? 

If you looked up “penny wise and pound foolish” you’d find his picture with THIS WANKER underneath it.

Even for Dump and his cadre of Keystone Kop ghouls, this was sloppy. You nominate somebody who is holding a job she already can’t do purely because she’s a blonde FOX mouthpiece, and then never actually do anything to get her into the post? Did he literally pull her name out of the “Girls I’d Like To Pork” hat when

Huh, immigrants are dangerous yet we let them watch our kids and work in intimate spaces like hotels? It’s almost like the real problem is the Americans who knowingly break the law to save money and seek to exploit people!

All that “effort” went for Nauert.

I love all of these rich assholes living trouble free, rich asshole lives until they end up in trump’s orbit.