
I thought the leprosy caravan was what we’re supposed to be afraid of?

I’m a progressive Floridian (trust me, there are lots of us) and I live in Pinellas County, which has the historical distinction of generally being the tipping point in big elections. This year, not so much. Pinellas went Gillum, but it didn’t put him over the top. I’m crushed. As much good happened yesterday, I still

This was the long game. We don’t have 6 more years to wait out these shit heels while they continue to destroy the environment and our tourism industry. Rubio’s seat isn’t even up for another 4 years. Three newly vacant state supreme court seats will now immediately be filled by DeSantis. I wouldn’t put it past them

DeSantis was openly a bumbling racist and the majority of Florida said: “Well at least he’s not black!”  

Fuck Ted Cruz. 

Joe Buck is still blowing into a paper bag trying to recover from Randy Moss pretending to pull his pants down. Troy Aikman would have to drive.

I’m confused about the timing of the flag. The flag landed before the phone was even out. What if he had just pretended to pull out a phone and fake dialed? Everyone would have understood the reference, but there was no prop involved. Is that still a penalty? Fuck that.

underappreciated comment here.

And now, thanks to Action Johnny, I know what an ouroboros is. I am in your debt, Sir.

It’s the defenses fault for getting burnered. 

“What’s the big deal? When I got on the phone in the middle of a game I usually lost way more than $30,000.”

I want to preserve this beautiful comment forever

That got intense pretty fast.

If Thomas had pulled out a hidden can of Bud Light from under that goal post Troy Aikman would have rubbed his nipples while screaming ‘Dilly Dilly’ to keep his corporate overlords happy.

Everyone at the game knew what he was doing the second he reached under that pad and they fucking loved it. It was a fun bit of fan service and the entire fox broadcast crew can be sewn together in a human centipede ouroboros and eat shit forever for all I care. 

That’s the frustrating thing - you can’t force people to be rational when they’re being willfully ignorant. I’ve basically adopted a do not engage policy with these clowns for the sake of my own sanity. It’s truly terrifying that these people ostensibly have the same control over the fate of my own country as I do. It

After announcing his assault on the asylum system, Trump ratcheted up his rhetoric even further, essentially giving federal agents—to say nothing of the 7,000 troops dispatched to the border—free rein to shoot at “anybody throwing stones, rocks.”

Every fucking day I have at least 7 moments where I think “Wait, we really elected the dumbest fucking moron in the country President?”

That’s just it, they think they want it.