
Stuff like this actually hits Drumpf right where it hurts. This kind of stuff is literally ALL HE CARES ABOUT; his name, his properties, his money. Troll away. I’m disappointed something like this hasn’t been done sooner.

I’d like to think we’re getting pretty close to a complete meltdown, then again, we’ve seen these barrages of idiocy before.

False. As has been reported, he’s borderline literate and has no attention span to the point where he can’t even stay put reading 1 line at a time.

All these one time bonuses and minuscule pay raises are all just a rather expensive publicity stunt to convince people to believe this tax scam (that many of these companies probably lobbied for) was a good idea.

This fucking arrogant dipshit. All he has to do is give a half-assed apology saying he spoke out of turn, or was misinformed, and all the reporters will move on. There’s not much more you can ask after that. He’ll have to humiliate himself ONE time instead of over and over and over.

Can everyone actually attending the game please band together and rain down a chorus of boos when he shows up on the jumbotron?

Gotta love the initial response by Trump is not to deny the statements, but to instead gaslight Bannon as being crazy (but only AFTER he left Trump’s company of course, cause he only hires the best!)

NPR reported that in order to cover the full ~87 billion cost of Rubio’s initial request all they had to do was NOT LOWER THE FUCKING HIGHEST PERSONAL INCOME TAX BRACKET.

They will also sometimes deliver it to a next door neighbor and not tell you or leave a note. I had (unbeknownst to me) 50lbs of dog food that was delivered to my neighbor who was out of town. After I few days I complained and amazon sent me another one free. The neighbor returned a couple days later, and now I’m

amended to give pass-through businesses a better tax rate.

He’s apparently heard the whispers of Warren 2020. This is him starting his campaign against her. He planned to shoe horn this comment in.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait...She’s using her platform to take a stand on cyber bullying guys!

He also couldn’t be bothered to correct it. Its a blue state, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Odd that Trump didn’t come up in this...oh wait, that’s because he has no money.

We’re going to need a mass shooting where multiple civilians try to “stop” the shooter and end up killing each other/other innocents instead. Maybe that’s what it will take to debunk this theory.

When they go low, we kick them in the ribs

When they go low, we kick them in the ribs

These guys are all incompetent, spineless & “soulless cowards”, which is why I am not at all surprised how easily they’ll roll over on each other, or the amount of incriminating evidence left in their wake(s).

We need to start calling him what he is: a sociopath.

How many botched attempts at fake empathy is it going to take before everyone realizes this guy is a complete sociopath?