
This is exactly what I say about the new york times, wapo, nbc etc; that they spent decades building everyone’s trust through honorable, legitimate and reliable reporting just so when Trump became president they could use their reputation to make shit up about him.

The staged crowd* didn’t even give a shit either. They were more concerned with taking cell phone pics and vids of this buffoon then actually grabbing the PT.

Drugs. Are. Really. Expensive.

It’ll be the first, and last time Miami ever hosts All Star weekend. Neither the derby, nor the game have even sold out.

I don’t think its out of the realm of possibility this came directly from 45 as part of his ongoing Obama spite campaign.

You left out Drumpf’s original tweet where he spelled Handel’s name wrong.

So THIS is the “American Carnage” 45 was talking about.

Sure as hell didn’t stop him from voting to confirm all the cabinet members with those Russian connections.

orange shit-gibbon

He has not been a person to do staged events for the sake of doing staged events.

Lonzo Ball lobs long ball

If this guy really doesn’t want Drumpf to be president he needs to fucking sack up and cast his vote for the ONLY other candidate that has a snowball’s chance in hell at beating him, Clinton. Its as simple as that. These protest votes make no sense. Its similar to that idiot teenager in Washington state that claims to

I believe he first denied hearing of any of these situations. Then it changed to 1 or 2.

I thoroughly enjoyed this. Anyone who’s even been paying half attention to this clown knows it to be spot on. 

Uuuge tax cuts for the rich, which will eventually trickle down, Duh.

This needs to be done constantly at every single one of his properties. We need to boycott all his products. We need to hit him where it really hurts, his wallet and his reputation.

Maybe if one of the candidates at the debates didn’t continually interrupt the other and blabber on about fucking nonsense, completely avoiding answering the actual questions being asked, and killing time with outrageous lies, there would have been time to get to more of the issues.

This is the apparent price we now have to pay for the first black president. At least we got 2 terms.