
For fucks sake, even the GOP was smart enough to do this, albeit with a fucking clown circus. It worked, and it somehow didn’t even set back all the candidates Trump steamrolled (See Robo Rubio)

The difference between your examples and today is the world now has enough nukes to destroy civilization 10 times over, and enough maniacs in power with their stubby fingers on the buttons.

Not to sound like a sexist but, FUCK YOU to the tens of millions of women who voted for this fuck bag. YOU HAD THE EASIEST FUCKING DECISION OF YOUR LIFE AND YOU BLEW IT.

Donald Trump treats objects like women, man

This is just a microcosm of this self entitled asshole family.

LOL, not a single star. Not even one from himself.

Before that he was trying so hard to stay composed & professional. My wife (a therapist) pointed out how it looked like he was counting down from 10 in his head to stay calm. Then one jab and his head explodes.

Trolled into running, maybe, but knowingly being a plant? Not a chance. His “billion” dollar business and reputation are going down the tubes with each passing day. There’s a distinct possibility that he ends up truly penniless after all this.

Shes no dummy, I’m sure she got paid upfront

think campaign is hurting business

I may be wrong, but even if Trump loses, he still kinda wins.