Fascination Wolves

"all of it combining to form a crazy-quilt exploration of the digital-analog divide."

Uh seriously. I was fooled by the the way-too-positive review for the movie here on AV Club whenever it first came out. I love movies about old computer technology, and I love serious treatments of chess! I should have loved this film! And yet, upon watching it, I realized it was utter garbage. Terrible, terrible

I think anyone reading the story will assume there is definitely something very wrong with Jackie the accuser. Whether this stems from emotional trauma from a horrifying gang rape, some kind of past abuse, or a mental illness (or combination of all three) seems pretty apparent to me. But I don't think most people

I felt that anyone who read and understood the Rolling Stone retraction article could totally agree with all of its conclusions. Shoddy journalism does more harm than good. And while it's important to be considerate of the traumatized feelings of rape victims, being overly sensitive only results in crap like the

Some basic fact-checking in this story might have included the questions:
"Does such a fraternity exist?"
"Are you or any of these accused people enrolled as students in this university?"
"What is your actual name?"
"Where am I?"

I'm not sure anyone could say those men WERE innocent. Just because they didn't rape this victim doesn't mean they didn't rape someone else we aren't aware of!

Hey rape accusations aren't fabricated a good 92% of the time according to figures cited in the Rolling Stone retraction! Pretty good statistics!

Actually it's about BUSINESS ethics.

Midlake's Late Night Tales made me familiar with this track. Every single selection on that album is a gem from the too-short era of blogs sharing weird old forgotten folk albums and other great stuff. Check it out.

Oh man… If I have to see Jared Leto's simpering face staring at me from that Mr. Nobody cover ONE MORE DAMN TIME.

This thing looks great and all, now just make one for my Xbox 360 or blu-ray player. Actually, should I just get a Roku? Is it worth the money it to have a better interface?

I am a grad student of literature and my most well-respected professor told us last semester that he thought Wuthering Heights might just be the crowning achievement of all of English literature. From the things I read in that class, I gathered it is not an unpopular opinion.

I've actually never met any.

Heather Has Two Mommies and a Daddy Who She May or May Not Ever Spend Time With; I'm Not Sure What Their Setup Is Here. But Rest Assured That She Does Have a Daddy Out There Who May or May Not Love Her.

Wait am I bigoted or am I an asshole?! HALP.

I actually started skipping these chapters out of a sense of frustration. And you know what? It was awesome! I realized I could just start reading chapters of the characters I cared about and they read like little novellas, since—almost always, until the very end of Dance with Dragons—they never intersected

You know, George has really let us down on the anus-description front. Hopefully he will fix that!

Oh and people who have diarrhea, and very long descriptions of their battles with it.

The show vastly improves upon Georgie's books precisely when it cuts the hundreds of nonsensical meandering pages from them. Stop at seven, then do a spinoff series to cover all the extraneous stuff. Each episode can just be a parade of house sigils, elaborate armor, breakfast items, people shrugging, and jiggling

I don't know if this is true, but I thought I read somewhere that the guy who played Joe wasn't even told he was the killer until they filmed the last 2 episodes. Nobody on the set knew who the killer was, to maximize the shock.