
Except that there is a different public perception and understanding of physical vs. mental illnesses.

Absolutely! My comment was more to the point that his actions don’t automatically mean he was mentally ill.


I agree. And sanity is a legal term, not a psychiatric one.

I don’t disagree.

I don’t disagree.

I actually didn’t say that he is not mentally ill. I said that racism, hate and violence are not mental illnesses.

I totally identify.

I’m actually reading a book about Andrea Yates right now. Such an unbelievable amount of incompetence, apathy and ignorance.

With all due respect to your credentials, that seems like casting an incredibly wide net for what qualifies for, or is symptomatic of, mental illness.

I have OCD, PTSD & some phobias - so when people lump together the mentally ill, that includes me too.

It’s ok. No one takes the mentally ill seriously anyhow. ;-)

I hear where you’re coming from, but being malicious, cruel, selfish, stupid, violent or greedy doesn’t mean someone has a mental illness. Being an asshole is not a mental illness (though some mental illnesses make result in people acting like assholes). Racism and white supremacy are not listed in the DSM.

As someone who is a poor (and disabled), I try not to judge too much.

Look on any forum about using IUDs (the Mirena in particular) and you’ll find stories by plenty of women who took ownership of their birth control and still ended up pregnant. (And this is with one of the more fail-proof methods).

I’m with you on this!

My parents were the same way - so are some of my friends.

Agreed. Though while staying with a friend, I made the mistake of bringing a guy that I’d run into from home (and had known a year) back with me.

I used to shower with my boyfriend as more of a save time and water thing.

OK - your wife’s sister sounds like a bit of a train wreck.