Me too!! (and I love choco kitty!)
Me too!! (and I love choco kitty!)
Oooh. I was stoked that Stephen Amell challenged John Barrowman, but haven't seen it yet.
Same here. I get second-hand embarrassed pretty easily. The person doesn't even need to do something embarrassing - it just has to be something that I think they might think is embarrassing. (I've noticed it gets worse when I first realize I have a crush on a guy.)
Is that who the guy in the chair is?
I think he's being Jar Jar Binks.
Adorkable is one of my favorite qualities in a man.
:-) Hi there!!
I feel bad I made you cry :-(
Hugs to you.
Though I find it incredibly endearing when men do it for some reason.
It's been a confusing week for everyone! :-)
If it makes any difference, Christina Hendricks has been having her hair dyed red since she was a girl. She asked her mother to dye it for her so she could be like "Anne of Green Gables".
I just figured out my confusion was kinja-related.
Do you at least eat them in pairs?
Am I missing something? What did Snacktastic say that blames women?
My younger brother quoted this scene in a letter he sent to me (years ago, but also several years after the movie had come out) - insightful, sweet, loving, compassionate person that my brother is, he recognized how some childhood emotional abuse (not Will Hunting-level, but damaging) shaped how I responded to the…
Did you know it's illegal in Switzerland to own just one lonesome guinea pig?
Same here.
I loved that movie.
Oh sweetie.