
Honestly, I don't really get the #NotAllMen thing.

I got stuck on that when I was a kid.

I love you for this comment.

I agree. I think a yearbook is for and should be about the students, not for teachers to use for their political commentary.

I usually look for stuff that *won't* attract people's attention.

My dad wanted to name me Altamese Maisy (I actually prefer Maisy to the middle name they ended up going with: Meredith)

My parents did everything they knew how to give my brother & me as good a childhood as possible.

Home schooling seems to be pretty popular in San Diego.

Or at least teach kids critical thinking. There are too many voters in this country lacking that skill.

This is beyond fucked up.

My favorite is Kermit & Piggy. Also, I love how they've made Miss Piggy somehow look like she's middle aged.

My favorite friend suggestion was a guy from my high school who beat his college girlfriend to death freshman year.

And bring a hat! Just in case. Because you never know.

Justing Timberlake dancing with puffy hand gloves always makes me smile.

Since he sang his song "Thrift Shop" and some people think Jews are cheap, those people think he was intentionally pretending to be a Jew (because all Jews have big hook noses),

That was actually my first thought.

Right? I can't quite make it out in the picture, but is that a velvet or satiny shirt he's wearing?

As another Jewish lady, I agree.

I agree.

That might as well be called the Jewish Mother button.