
Replying to myself because it's too late to edit my initial comment.

Which article are you talking about?

Tracy - I just wanted to say that I appreciate your non-sensationalized approach to this story. (I like that you included the links to the journalistic guidelines and GLAAD)

These are great.

I tell people I read more for the comments than the actual articles :)

Then I am in the strange minority too.

Sara - I just wanted to thank you for your complete openness about your life in your response to LW2.

Commenting to LW2 know that I also support her! xo

Worst doctor's visit ever:
During an annual check-up, I mentioned that my knee had been hurting.
The doctor's response: Well, your knees are designed to support a skinnier you. Being overweight puts pressure on them they were not built to do

I am the worst at remembering to floss and after a few years of no income or dental insurance was prepared for the "floss talk" (not diminishing its importance) when I finally went to the dentist for the first time in years.

I agree.

Me too!

It's Oswald Danes. (Bill Pullman, but made ugly). He is a "complex" villian (antihero?)

Samantha Bee and Jason Jones are on my Top 5 Celebrity Couples I'd Like to be Third Wheel To list.

Right? I was trying to explain why I like Jezebel to a friend the other day and it pretty much boiled down to "I like the other readers - the comments are like a community"

I completely relate.

I'm so sorry.

raises hand

That was my question - do many people watch porn on big screen tv's?

That was my question - do many people watch porn on big screen tv's?