Replying to myself because it's too late to edit my initial comment.
Replying to myself because it's too late to edit my initial comment.
Which article are you talking about?
Tracy - I just wanted to say that I appreciate your non-sensationalized approach to this story. (I like that you included the links to the journalistic guidelines and GLAAD)
I tell people I read more for the comments than the actual articles :)
Then I am in the strange minority too.
Sara - I just wanted to thank you for your complete openness about your life in your response to LW2.
Commenting to LW2 know that I also support her! xo
Worst doctor's visit ever:
During an annual check-up, I mentioned that my knee had been hurting.
The doctor's response: Well, your knees are designed to support a skinnier you. Being overweight puts pressure on them they were not built to do
I am the worst at remembering to floss and after a few years of no income or dental insurance was prepared for the "floss talk" (not diminishing its importance) when I finally went to the dentist for the first time in years.
I agree.
Me too!
It's Oswald Danes. (Bill Pullman, but made ugly). He is a "complex" villian (antihero?)
Samantha Bee and Jason Jones are on my Top 5 Celebrity Couples I'd Like to be Third Wheel To list.
Right? I was trying to explain why I like Jezebel to a friend the other day and it pretty much boiled down to "I like the other readers - the comments are like a community"
I completely relate.
I'm so sorry.
raises hand
That was my question - do many people watch porn on big screen tv's?
That was my question - do many people watch porn on big screen tv's?