
You can call them whatever you want, but in professional writing, it’s typically incorrect to refer to someone under 18 as a man or woman.

This distinction doesn’t have anything to do with the age of consent. Legally, the age of majority is what determines whether a person is a child or an adult, and in professional writing, you’re expected to use the corresponding word (boy/girl or man/woman, respectively). In the US, the age of majority is 18.

“which reportedly included groping a 17-year-old woman”

I don’t know how rigid the Deadspin style guide is about university names (or, frankly, whether the school will come up often enough for this to matter at all), but FWIW, Northern Kentucky isn’t what anyone local calls the school or its teams. The region the school serves is big enough and central enough within the

It’s Trash Bandicoot, not trashcat. He’s a marsupial!

Glad this guy’s around to give us the old, racist, rich, white man who does weird shit with his hair viewpoint. Not enough of that out there rn if you ask me.

I was in seventh grade when 9/11 happened. Which is to say I was old enough to watch the world change around me, fast. I have memories of Diana and a few other things from before, but they feel foreign somehow.

Yeah but you get luxury tax and revenue sharing money no matter what you do. In the draft, the worst teams pick first, and that seems more socialist to me.

It’s after the word arts. What were you even trying to accomplish with those quotation marks? Are you some kind of arts truther?

Commas go inside quotation marks too. I would expect a computer engineer to be able to grasp basic syntax.