Farty McBonercorpse

Ohhhhhh… now I grok it

This just in: the virgin is most certainly not Kesha! Also, the sky is blue, earth is round, etc.

Haha, how cute! She thinks she grew up!

Soon she will be |<€$|-|^. Only then will our long national nightmare be over. Or start. One of those.

Come to think of it, Donald Trump does kind of look like a giant orange baby wearing a hairpiece.

What's a record store? And what's tae bo, for that matter? Has Billy Blanks returned from exile to make us all kickpunch stuff again?

The right wing boob or the left wing boob? And even then, you will need to be more specific, as that already describes all of the candidates currently running.

What I wanna know is how does Kanye West consider himself to be a Millennial? He's just a few months older than me, and I'm pretty sure I am not Millennial.

Straight Outta Cholargos

I think of this constantly.

ARLISS! Have ya.. Have ya seen the Arliss there, Paul?

Hamm and Meloni are so great in that scene. Also their fight scene, which was just an insanely great parody of complex Jackie Chan fight choreography.

I didn't know you worked at Burning Man.

Cool, I was not aware of that. I first heard them when they released "The Mother We Share," so I guess I was a little late to the party. Saw them play in November 2013 and loved every minute of their set.

How did they get their big break because of the internet? Just curious since that is not how I was originally exposed to them.

Also an effective poison! Is there anything alcohol can't do?

"We shall deport Mr. Polanski as soon as we fix the pesky screen doors on our fleet of submarines. Will they never stop leaking?!"

Yeah that's not my name.

*Nicole Kidman squeezes her eyebrows together, but the Botox prevents actual movement of any kind*