Farty McBonercorpse

I thought it was that chick who plays Angela on Bones.


Even more hilarious because Showalter has gotten so fat, you think he is literally going to fall over at any moment.

To be fair, you're still pretty awful.

My favorite is still the Miley/Joan Jett/Laura Jane Grace cover of "Androgynous" by The Replacements. I love how they have taken what was a quiet, almost dirge-like song and turned it into a boisterous affair with a more celebratory tone, perfectly expressing the great strides that have been taken in LGBT awareness

I met a guy on a plane a few weeks back who recommended I read Ready Player One. I have not heard especially great things about it, but I am going to give it a shot anyway. I know some people around here really hate it, and after only getting a few pages in, I believe I can already see why.

*plays Lenny Kravitz to barrel of whiskey for two years*

I think a saw a thing about foley artists one time that showed them pounding on a raw turkey to get that punch noise.

You forgot to pause, put on your sunglasses, and then scream YEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!


Well, Herman Cain is going to be very upset when his trademark rights get challenged by Morris Day and the Time:

The ape was a dog?

I'll get right on that, Mr. Trump!

"Looks like the dog is humping the sand sculpture we made again! You silly mutt!"

So is that like the front half of a Honda welded to the back half of an Acura? That sounds… unsafe.

*Trump inexplicably surges in polls again*

Oh, I didn't know my wife commented on here. Hi, honey!

Yeah, but if we do that, then we have to let gender ambiguous gimmick accounts marry gerbil gimmick accounts, Muppet gimmick accounts, etc. Where does it end?! It's a slippery slope, people!

We know you did, Paula Deen, we know you did.

I hate you.