Farty McBonercorpse

Well, in that case, it does hold up. I was in early high school when I saw it and thought it was pretty good, but my god, it is a crappy movie.

Nope, I never read it either. We should get married.

Yeah,that's a good point. I might just read it as well, just to see the evolution of thought that lead to one of my favorite novels of all time.

See, this is what I don't get about all of these reviews, including this one, calling this a "sequel." It has been revealed that this was basically an early first draft of what would later become To Kill a Mockingbird. Obviously it was never intended for publication, and I am perfectly fine never reading it, as the

What about Aspen Extreme? I mean, he died in an avalanche, so I would guess he was at least cool then, if not downright frozen.

I was more scarred by Grace Jones' performance in Boomerang than A View to a Kill.

TLC - Touching Little Children

I re-watched Sleepers a few months ago after not having seen in since the 90's. That film does not hold up at all!

Each time your computer BSODs, it should automatically create a minidump file and save it on your hard drive. These minidump files can be found at C:\Windows\Minidump. After you locate those, go to http://www.osronline.com/pa…. Scroll down and click on Browse, then upload your most recent minidump file from that

The "garage"? Hey fellas, the "garage"! Well, ooh la di da, Mr. French Man!

"If it's going to come out eventually, better have it come out immediately."

I have found a positively wonderful recipe that is basically spinach & artichoke dip converted into a casserole with chicken and bowtie pasta. It has become a favorite at my home. SO good.

I'll bet I still have all of those back at my parents' house, sitting in a closet for the last 20 years with old Calvin & Hobbes, Far Side, Life in Hell, and other assorted comics compilations. I read the crap out of those as a kid. I should go back and read Bloom County, because I have no doubt that some of the


The AV Club

I think this comment was translated from English to Japanese and back to English again. Super karate monkey death car.

At last our long national nightmare is over. Now bring on the sharks!

Yes, they are called Liam Gallagher.

My brother got married in Vegas in 2009, which was probably right at or just after the peak of Ed Hardy, and since LA is douche central, it was EVERYWHERE during that trip. It is one of the many reasons that I hate Vegas and do not plan on going back any time soon, if ever.

Noel Gallagher: Living Incarnation of that Stupid Jeff Dunham Old Man Puppet