Farty McBonercorpse

Don't trust Claire Danes, people!!!

Uh, Paw, Ah cut mahself on the screen door agin.

Yes. Yes I did. 8D

*lens flare*

B-: The gentleman's C.

Starring James Franco as Puck.

Not true! I was on a fishing trip with my friend my sophomore year of college (so that would have been around August 1998). We were up late drinking beer and flipping TV channels, and we happened to stop on this weird show on HBO. They were doing some sort of marathon, and I would estimate that we watched three or

It made me want to stick my head in a cannon.

Also, Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln, and Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy.

Impressive that they got Ringo Starr to narrate this video!

Rex Manning blows goats! "Sugarhigh" or GTFO!

Back in October, I flew to Portland from Austin, and the in-flight TV thing had an episode of Mulaney on that they played over and over again. I watched about half of it and then turned it off because it was so terrible. Then on the flight back to Austin the next day, they had the same show on. I did not listen to

You mean "je suis désolé" (for use only in Quebecois Denny's).

So he thinks he is playing bass?

Yessir, ol' Travolta's goin' snow-skiing again!

No, but he might crash his car into your house.

While I don't necessarily care that much for the silly fantasy lyrics, "Emerald" has several awesome guitar moments that will melt your face off. One of my favorite Thin Lizzy jams.


Perhaps it was like a big bear that did not know how to kill the bunny.

Keep the keys. I don't need them that badly.