Farty McBonercorpse

You can post images and video in Disqus now?

Sorry to hear about your friend.

Since no one else has mentioned it yet, I absolutely love "Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois." It's very short, but very affecting. I have always wanted to make an animated video short for that song, featuring the green light of an alien craft lighting up the incredulous faces of people on the

He is?

There's also an Archer TV station, but it just plays Gator on a loop.

I have a friend who went in for one of their Personality Tests in the 90's just to see what it was all about, and at the end of it they told him that he was suicidal and needed to come in for more auditing. He said no, he was not suicidal, but they insisted that he was and started to try to get money from him, so he

*Lennie Briscoe makes a snide comment about his ex-wife, quitting drinking*

"There's no hope with dope!" - the cast of "Saved by the Bell" + Brandon Tartikoff

I actually saw that movie in the theaters. It was awesome! Of course, I was 10 years old at the time, so every movie was awesome.

Sounds like you shoulda just moved to Austin.

I saw the Marfa Mystery Lights once while on a college road trip to Big Bend. Looked like a few drunk rednecks running around on a hill with lanterns. A good time was had by all. OR WAS IT?

This past weekend, I bought my wife a new car. She had been driving her 2003 Honda Accord for the last 12 years, and it was a good car, but it has been having more and more issues over the last couple of years, the most severe of which is that it seems that the transmission was about to drop out of the damn thing,

I had my end of year review today. Got pretty excellent feedback across the board, a nice-sized bonus, and lots of information on my new weird engineering responsibilities, but no raise. I asked if they really expect me to take on the work of basically two more people in addition to what I've already been doing, and

I am seeing X play live here in Austin next month!

What you did there… I see it.

Jon Cryer's Coming Home

So are ya Chinese or Japanese?

Jim Henson! Wait…

10 Things I Hate About Gorgs

A Fraggle Runs Through It