Farty McBonercorpse

iArm what iArm.

In this version, KITT is a talking train that kills people.

For me it is Bradley Cooper and Ryan Reynolds. I am still not entirely convinced that they are separate people.

"Why are you people avoiding me? Does my withered face remind you of the grim specter of Death?"

"No offense, Homer, but your half-assed underparenting was a lot more fun than your half-assed overparenting."

Cool story, bro.

Speaking of Elvis Costello, how about Nick Lowe?

Yes, happy women's day, womens!

I had never seen her work before, but now I am intrigued. The sample above is reminiscent of Chis Ware's work.

My first thought was Indiana Jones. That was my childhood view of what a real man was.

Dennis Quaid as Randy Quaid! Bill Paxton as Bill Pullman! Harvey Kietel as Harvey Fierstein! Wil Wheaton as Will Smith!


So I saw the stage version of Once, and it kind of sucked. Basically remove all subtlety and nuance from the movie, and you have the stage version. Whereas in the movie, the characters allow the songs to say the things that they are unable to, in the stage show, the just come out and say it as well as singing it.

Along with the hamburger eating, her other main character trait is running away from people/stuff. Pretty much every scene ends with her running away from someone.

On Friday night, I finally got around to watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier. For a comic book movie, it was one of the better ones, but it still left me a little cold. Outside of Chris Evans and Robert Redford, who were both great, none of the characters left much of an impression on me. And yes, that

Cameron's dad for president!

Oh my god. I thought you people were just being silly, because on my PC I see blue and black in all of the pictures, but sure enough, on my crappy iPhone 4s it is white and gold.

All your base are belong to us!

Thanks, Xzibit!

Black llamas be runnin' like this, but man, white llamas, white llamas be runnin' like this!