Farty McBonercorpse

At least they didn't shoot it. That must have taken incredible restraint for a police officer!

I agree, song is terrible.

No idea what you're sayin' right now.

Scarlett and the Harlots. It practically writes itself!

A little on the nose, don't you think?

I'm seein' single here! Two Singles!

She should be in a band minus you called The Twins.

Bob Odenkirk as Willips Brighton.

Better yet, it should end with the real Mike Love getting run over by a train.

Well, if I had showed up earlier, I might have won this thread, but here we go anyway:

And he started out coaching the Pflugerville Panthers.

Can the Internet really take credit though? These people made the movie, and the Internet was just a vessel through which they have shared it. This merits a "Way to be a thing, Internet!" at best.

The man never needed a money in his life!

Beans, beans, the musical fruit.
The more you eat, the more you toot.
The more you toot, the better you feel,
So eat them beans with every meal!

I wish we could have gotten her take on acting beside Lauryn Hill in Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit. But still a great interview, Will, as usual!


Galactus died on his way back to eating his home planet.

Still stuck in method acting from his role in The Wolf of Wall Street? Was he also pounding his chest and doing bumps?

12 12 year olds a year?

Um, I could be wrong, but isn't That's What I'm Talking about supposed to be a spiritual sequel to Dazed and Confused and not Boyhood?