Fartsmello Anthony

It's no surprise the Buffalo Bills fan failed to make it over the hump on 4 consecutive attempts.

They can't give them the trademark and then take it back! That's Indian giving!

Inside all of us, he runs still.

The games that piss you off the most are the ones that don't have ends, but you don't figure it out until Al Gore invents the Internet and you can look it up. One word . . . Gauntlet.

it would be weird if 2nd and 3rd year players took the rookie class out to dinner and paid for it to be like...weird, welcoming adults, like the rest of us humans in professions, but hooray for giant man-baby hazing culture.

If you can't even hold onto a mic, why should we trust you to hold onto a gun?

"Girls", where the sometime-hell of sexual relations is approached with wit, complexity, and meaningful satire..."

If you think the TV show has too much violence, sex, and sexual violence, then, for the love of god, do not read the books. To be honest, they are actually toning it down with the show.

"All day long" is 100% incorrect.

After the first three Vogel should have hit the eject button on that plan.

It's astonishing how easily Ray Allen (the greatest 3 point shooter of our time) gets lost and completely forgotten about when he weaves through chaos.

The rest of the senators were confused because they thought they had already done away with the redskins

Oh Tim, you're so naive. The Cavs, LeBron's former team, got the 1st pick. The Heat, Lebron's current team, got the 26th pick. 1-26? Do I have to spell it out for you? It's the number of letters in the alphabet. Now, let's break down that word, "alphabet." Al, a popular name. Pha, a phonetic spelling of a

Potato skin binge all weekend. For feminism....yeah feminism. It'll be a sacrifice that I'm willing to make.

Oh god I'm so glad I read this whole story. I almost offed myself right then and there when I first heard that Allen was making more home improvements.

You dropped the ball here, Tim.

Pictured: Car wreck, Donte Stallworth.