Fartsmello Anthony

FYI, I banned that guy. Previously, he was complaining that we didn't capitalize "corsi."

I really do want to help, Samer. But could you please post a description of the cat instead?

Qatar is just too hot for outdoor physical work. They have enough money so they really ought to get someone to build large indoor structures where they can work in relative comfort.

You meant to write seriously, not serious. - It's an adverb. There's nothing cuter than someone attempting to troll grammar with equally shitty grammar. Also, his phrase was in spoken vernacular, while you on the other hand actually had time to proof read what you wrote.

So weird that Donald Sterling would create a burner and try to defend himself in the comment section of Deadspin.

We've seen a lot of headlines, but bear headline is the best headline. - Tom Ley

the call was correct

The NBA says its constitution covers the ouster of minority and co-owners

Based on how he was raised, I'm surprised Hunter didn't slap the umpire back. His parents instilled the importance of an "i for an i".


Have you considered that you're basically arguing for the closet?

These people should be ashamed of themselves. Watching the seventh round of the NFL Draft on a perfectly good Saturday evening!

yeah i wonder why they didn't stop to watch the whole video first

Hey girl, are you from Tennessee? Because they would hate you there because you're not 100% white. Wanna fuck now?

Donald Sterling's penis is like the video from The Ring. The only way to get it out of your mind is to put it in someone else's. I'm so sorry.

I hope to some day feel a love so strong that it makes me hate black people.

In certain parts of Texas, people will tell you that Manziel has always acted like a brown.

"Samples can provide inferences about populations" is basically the entire basis of polling, and statistics in general. If they sampled well, 1,000 respondents is more than enough for an accurate poll.

I'm guessing the problem is most people don't understand that the NBA is basically licensing franchises, it's not like he actually is being forced to sell a business .

Whoever wrote this is definitely going to lose his or her job soon. Because they work for a newspaper.