Fartsmello Anthony

In the NCAA’s eyes, this is a feature, not a bug of the system. The CFP’s objective is not actually to crown a “true” national champion or whatever it is they’ve been claiming to do since it was the BCS. The goal is, no shit, to make money, and Oklahoma—the number-four ranked team that brings in over twice the

I am highly disappointed in Anne for being so specific about her olive intake, because one thing I simply love to do is eat half a jar of olives while standing in the cold glow of the refrigerator.

I mean, in Ghost Protocol he got in a full speed head-on collision with another car where both drivers not only survive but run away from the crash healthy enough to keep fighting. I’m here for intense action, not realistic outcomes.

The motorcycle scenes in both Fallout and Rogue Nation both were made so much better by the fact that you spend a ton of the chase looking straight into Tom Cruises face, even as he’s scraping his knees on the street while taking a hard turn at high speed. It’s nuts, and it ratchets the intensity of these movies so

It’s the Babe!

To each their own I guess. I’ve never had more fun than the battle royale games and I’m a 35yo slow idiot, and I play with a few other people my age mostly. I managed to win a lot of games in H1Z1, PUBG, and Fortnite, and the only thing that has ruined the games for me at all has been performance and network lag, but

You don’t have to play with them, and they can’t communicate with you at all if you don’t. Don’t deprive yourself of a super fun experience just because some annoying people can experience it as well.

I think it’s more that Dr. Boom is the best card in the context of its meta. Sure, in the current synergistic meta it’s not as impactful, but years ago it was a different game. In that game, Dr. Boom was exceptional in a way that would be tough to replicate in today’s game. Now several cards all lean on each other to

The correct answer is the beginning of Ready To Die:
Things Done Changed
Gimme The Loot
Machine Gun Funk

Hopefully he’ll be a great executive. The best way to get a fan base is to win.

I am announcing that I’d be willing to meet with the Warriors about my free agency as well. My sources tell me Lebron and I have roughly equal chances of playing for Golden State next season.

I spend a lot of time on the FN sub and stability is an issue I never see discussed much. Whenever there’s some kind of crash goin around it’s usually an isolated problem that gets fixed quickly. But general game stability is not a problem I see people having much on any platform. Also PvE is fun but I don’t know how

Guys let’s acknowledge the impressive strides Richie has made over the years on this type of behavior. In 2012 he’d just blurt out some slurs, but now he says “I’m not racist, but” beforehand. Let’s not ignore progress when it’s being made.


That is not who I am. My mother wouldn’t be proud of this. That is pretty much the biggest takeaway is do whatever you can to make sure that you are not a distraction.

The Suns are on pace for a -3936 point differential this season!

It seems like this would only increase tanking because now way more teams than the bottom few have an incentive to lose games as soon as they aren’t looking like a playoff team. Teams 8-9-10 all tripling or nearly tripling their odds to get into the top 5 seems like it would make it a lot more attractive to try to get

People who have played steam games for a long time can accumulate a ton of steam money if they sell all the skins and cards and items they get on the marketplace. This money is only spendable on steam and as a result inflates the price of expensive things on the marketplace because people are essentially spending not

Remember Richard Hidalgo? He hit 40 something home runs that one year.

I’m not great at analyzing the numbers on this kind of deal, but I have to assume Fertitta got screwed because the team is already underwater!