Fartsmello Anthony

Just want to note that even with the suboptimal camera work, it’s still pretty easy to appreciate the ridiculousness of the skills of the players in this tournament. I watch BreaK fairly regularly and he’s always a beast but to watch him slaughtering other pros is pretty impressive. And I’d never heard of some of

As someone who plays every day during lunch, I’m ok with only getting 2 or 3 games played over my lunch hour because the game has finally gotten back to a place where I feel like I can outplay my opponent. For a long time it was just depressing to feel like each game was decided by who went first and who had the

Your reply, like the Ljubljana Marshes hot air balloon crash of 2012, is a terrible tragedy that will be remembered with shock and sadness for years to come.

How dare deadspin publish a post by Mr. Petchesky, with his slavic sounding name, on this, the 5th anniversary of the Ljubljana Marshes hot air balloon crash in Slovenia. I am aghast at the insensitivity.

what the fuck do the troops have to do with football in the first place?

Have fun celebrating a morally bankrupt candidate winning a predetermined election run by her friends while actual principled people fight to stop what you’ve enabled.

Sorry your candidate wasn’t even good enough to beat Donald fuckin Trump.

Congrats on voting for in droves for the unlikable and untrustworthy candidate the establishment picked for you beforehand. You all seem to forget that nearly a third of all primary delegates are superdelegates who had picked Hillary before the primary even began. She won a skewed primary then ran a terrible general

Lol typical to check out when blaming everyone else and hypocritical whining didn’t work, just like Hillary after the election. Cya, can’t wait until your terrible political party is nonexistent.

You blame everyone who didn’t vote for your bad candidate and paint them as some kind of awful selfish people, but I’m the one who is holier than thou. I’d be surprised at your hypocrisy if I wasn’t so familiar with mainstream democratic thinking already.

Yes, absolve yourself of any responsibility while blaming the people who actually have principles. You definitely align with mainstream democrats perfectly.

Sure, and ignore the fact that the race was covered in the media from beginning as unwinnable for anyone else because the hundreds of superdelegates who had already aligned with hillary from the start were reported in the counts from day 1. Shockingly when you institutionally favor a candidate, that candidate gets a

The idea that a candidate is entitled to votes instead of responsible for earning them is the reason the democrats have not given anything to voters in decades that wasn’t a corporate profit scheme. Obamacare was a heritage foundation idea. Every recent war was started with massive democratic support. Every time

Maybe instead of blaming people for voting how they feel, blame the party who lost a gimme election by running a shady candidate whose history includes decades of supporting some of the nation’s biggest blunders. Yes Trump was worse, but that doesn’t obligate anyone to vote for someone they feel is unworthy of their

It’s cool to see an older player still developing his game this late in his career. The Kings knew they were signing a great rebounder and post scorer, but now they’re getting a distributor too.

Agreed on all points.

I would except Baseball’s regular season fills the dead period of American sports, so might as well play as many games as you want because it’s not like there’s any competition anyway. And as for the NHL, I don’t care enough about hockey to have an opinion on it, but if I did and it resembled the current state of the

I can’t even tell if this is sarcastic, because it sounds sarcastic but about a pretty standard and accepted concept: as the supply goes up, the value of an individual unit goes down. It’s true for currency, for commodities, and for sports games. So whether or not you are sarcastic, I agree wholeheartedly with what

On the one hand, yes I do feel like there are too many games in the baseball regular season. On the other hand, the baseball regular season takes place almost entirely while there isn’t jack shit else goin on in sports, so whatever play as many games as you want, guys. I don’t have any better options anyway.

I never feel like that with football though because each game is consequential to the outcome of the season. Losing a random game in week 11 of the NFL could end your chance at making the playoffs. When was the last time a game in February had an effect on the NBA postseason? Hell, the Cavs didn’t even try to win