Fartsmello Anthony

The biggest mistake the NBA ever made was letting the strike shortened season happen. Before that, all talk of the benefits of a shorter season (from a viewer perspective) were just speculation. Then all of a sudden, the proof was concrete, and every fan was acutely aware that not beginning to play games until

The interesting thing to me about this is how much worse boxing is than probably anything because it’s almost entirely sub-concussive impacts to the head, and all the studies have proven how bad those are for long term brain health. At least in MMA tapping out from a submission means you have a good chance to end the

It feels like every sport where giving opponents concussions is either incentivized or the literal objective will always fight against acknowledging the actual effect of a concussion with hard protocols that they actually follow. That would infringe on the cognitive dissonance that allows them to organize and profit

Is this a joke? Tim Duncan is so automatic in that spot that I can’t believe we’re discussing it.

Yeah, you’re right that’s ridiculous. They’d probably just trade for Dwyane Wade.

I’m sad that this didn’t happen. This would have been the first Big 3 to have 6 first names, thus making it the most powerful of all Big 3s. Not sure what response the Warriors could have even had to that. Maybe find a way to trade for Kawhi or Carmelo.

I totally get your point, but I guess the alternate fan scenario I would paint which better describes the people I interact with, is that the outcome of the league overall is not a focal point. I am in South Florida. People care about the Heat, then watch what happens once they are out. The Heat had a satisfying

I feel like there is a disconnect on this between the sports media and the casual fan. I watch/discuss basketball almost exclusively with casual fans who follow the season vaguely but certainly not game to game, and tune in at the end for the playoff games worth talking about. I work with an office full of them, and

Trump is the dumbest, loudest teen at the high school who everyone either can’t stand or pretends to like because his rich dad lets kids drink beer at his house.

Draymond Green Is Leaning Fully Into It

I don’t fucking care if saying this makes me an asshole! I think this kind of lukewarm take is fine I guess!

In the future the players should just say they are skipping the bowl game to study. Everyone making money off these games points to the players being student athletes as an excuse for everything. Let them try to argue with student athletes studying.

One big problem with this tournament is that the game is not in a state that can support a competitive scene. Desync is rampant, even on LAN, the state of the shotgun has been a running joke forever, and even giving Daybreak some benefit of the doubt as an “early access” game (despite H1Z1 really stretching the limits

Yeah that’s fair. He def did seem like the type of ex-athlete who can speak competently on camera that ESPN loves, and I won’t say I was shocked but I wasn’t expecting him to be on the list.

It’s not that he seems like a bad person. He seems like a guy who has very bland takes, and isn’t great at finding a way to engage with people besides saying stuff he knows people will disagree with then arguing with them about it. Neither of those things are interesting to me, but he seems like he thought that was

Luckily “doofus employment” is nowhere on the list of responsibilities for my job.

It really was so good and so disturbing.

Tin Cup holds up tho.

Kanell is kind of the worst, and it’s like Kanell knows that and is proud of it which only makes it even worse.

It’s been years and I still don’t know if I like Ryen Russillo or not.