They’ve been cross-promoting Stugotz a lot more frequently lately, and Dan makes a lot of ESPN content on multiple platforms, so if I had to guess I’d guess Dan is safe.
They’ve been cross-promoting Stugotz a lot more frequently lately, and Dan makes a lot of ESPN content on multiple platforms, so if I had to guess I’d guess Dan is safe.
That’s a lot of money that has to be found elsewhere, and according to the Wall Street Journal, as recently as Monday the group was still frantically making calls and trying to line up financing.
I don’t understand how there are so many people who believe this. You are all insane. She ignored several key swing states for crucial months then lost when those states and a majority of white women voted for Trump. Stop trying to blame other candidates for Hillary’s own failures. Things aren’t always someone else’s…
Maybe the alcoholism thing was all a big misunderstanding. I mean, it’s easy to understand how people might have thought he had alcohol problems. Everytime he mentioned the Redskins, he was slurring.
They are actually 2 separate games now. Survival mode is its own game called H1Z1: Just Survive that has its own dev team. I haven’t played it much, but don’t let the King of the Kill hype let you think they are forgetting about survival. They just are different entities now.
One important thing to note about King of the Kill is that those 100k+ concurrent players always occur around NA mornings, because 30% of the players are in China. The daily peak always hits during China primetime, and drops back down to 40-50k the rest of the day. In addition, one of the biggest problems the game has…
One time a coworker intercepted me as I walked in the office at 8:30am so he could show me “this website I found!” And after about 10 minutes I realized what he was talking about and let me tell you it was very easy to deal with his MLM pitch pre-coffee first thing at work (it was a slightly more work appropriate…
It’s wild and it’s telling that we treat it as a pleasant surprise when a billionaire spends his own money to improve his property in order to increase his company’s value. In a just world that would be the norm.
A few extra last minute cuts and a bunch of money isn’t going to help this look like less of a disaster. They can do as much work as they want to save face, but people won’t be distracted from how ridiculous it is. Try as they might, there will be no mitigating the catastrophe that is Mark Davis’s hair.
And that’s life advice from Latrell Sprewell...
Yes it does. When they sell their account and it carries their mmr with it, some other person will have it who may be amazing or stink. So when you play that comp match and you have some diamond rank widow who can’t hit anything, that’s one of the things that could explain it. Selling accounts is bad for everyone…
I don’t wanna get near you. I’m glad you got the fish.
Embiid is developing right on schedule. Like many rookies before him, he’s finding his comfort zone right after the all star break.
Whether or not he sincerely believed it in his heart, since his release from prison he has done a lot of work and outreach about humane treatment of animals including a ton of speaking and advocating in DC for an animal cruelty bill. That was good, valuable work. Maybe the whole time he couldn’t wait to finish because…
That’s good to hear. Michael Vick did the same thing with animal groups, and it’s the best possible outcome when someone is revealed negatively like that. Hate to see people go full Curt Schilling and just circle the fucked up wagons until they have 100 insane fans and everyone else hates them.
Amar’e enjoyed being Tim Hardaway, Jr.’s teammate so much that he thought he try out being on the same team as Tim Hardaway, Sr.
No one has been talking about the Spurs much all season because they are just doing what they always do, but with Durant out of the picture the door is wide open for them. They already have a shutdown swing defender, and now remove the scariest swing threat on their scariest opponent. They are still as potent as ever…
This seems like something that an increased delay should fix really easily. I mean Hearthstone streamers play tournaments on stream all the time with a delay, and stream snipers in that setting are completely crippling because of how straightforward it is to play around someone’s hand if you see it. So preventing…
The aggregate fame of all the Steve Smith’s over the years has to add up to something substantial, right? I mean theres an NBA all-star and NFL all-pro in there among others.
Reminds me of Arch Rivals, the greatest basketball arcade game of all time because it had a “Punch” button.