Fartsmello Anthony

What happened when those 2 teams played each other in the playoffs? Outperforming the Heat would, one might think, include beating them head to head in the playoffs instead of getting clobbered in 5 games, or else one might be hard-pressed to really consider it “outperforming”.

Kyrie is the perfect example of a guy who can’t win as the the main guy but is perfect with someone like Lebron. He’s not enough of a distributor at his size to carry a team, but with Lebron, he becomes a devastating weapon because he can just focus on the one or two things he’s amazing at.

Knicks employee: Mr. Dolan, between Phil and Oak, social media is becoming a pretty big distraction for the team. Maybe we can get an IT guy in here so he can block those sites or something.

I dunno, maybe Amir Johnson should have done more than just sort of touch his hips?

Louisville: Actually it didn’t help with recruiting. We weren’t even trying to recruit these guys tbh. Honestly we were just trying to show them the dangers of what some other schools might do to try to recruit them.

David Griffin: Our offer to your client is 4 years for—

This is a very idealized version of how these businesses operate. Not all devs and content creators are created equal, and the population for Yandere Sim is tiny and easily ignorable. If this was CS:GO or DOTA or even something smaller but still present like H1Z1 they might have some questions to answer, but

Twitch is a business and they can run it as they see fit including not allowing a game to be streamed or explaining why, regardless of how hard the dev has worked. They don’t need to get anything together if they don’t feel like it. People may disagree with that or not use twitch because of it, but they serve their

Mike Tomlin calling another team assholes is like Big Ben calling another quarterback a misogynist.

It’s good to see these bans, but it seems like the PC bang issue will become more and more of a problem. From what I understand from my totally uninformed perspective in the states, it seems like the PC bangs are pretty integral to gaming in Korea, and as long as cheats continue to be developed, people using them from

Blizzard’s policy re: using exploits has been consistent forever, so they will probably receive a suspension like they do in WoW and D3 in similar circumstances.

The Hall of Fame voters use the subjectivity of their vote to screw over people who deserve to be in the hall all the time. At least for once they are using it to screw over someone who deserves to be screwed over.

“Oh shit we forgot the mayor was coming tonight!”

Hell yea super mario sunshine and the first gc metroid were both the shit.


you can’t tell me what to get a load of. you’re not my real dad.

It’s a chromatic gray, aka a gray where the rgb values are not equal. It has a bluish tint but it’s gray.

The early mockups for positive twitter actually look pretty badass