Fartsmello Anthony

Can’t wait for the mouthbreather outrage comments.

All I care about in patch 2.4 is that they are finally tuning ghost damage down. Everything else is a bonus. Can’t come soon enough.

While I agree with you, I’d say their biggest weakness is not realizing that there is a problem in the first place for way way too long. Like with vanilla Diablo 3, Jay Wilson denied for the longest time that there was even an issue until eventually he had to leave before they did the massive overhauls to remove the

What is baffling is that not only have the devs been very hands off with balance, but they even have come out over and over to say that they will avoid changing cards if at all possible, which seems to throw away the main advantage this game has over traditional tcgs: the digital format. It’s certainly a curious

Jeb: No, you hang up first! Haha. Ok we’ll hang up together in 3...2...1... did you do it?

So the Broncos defense tied Jerry Jones’s make up this week for making NFL personalities appear human.

“Wait a second, we have $19 trillion in debt, we have people out of work, we have ISIS and Al Qaeda attacking us and we’re talking about Greg Hardy? Can we stop? Can we stop? Seriously?”

This guy is completely delusional. He thinks the U.S. gives a shit about soccer.

This is kind of like the opposite of the Cowboys this week, where the GM had to keep Greg Hardy from cutting a coach.

Other things Joe Flacco considers too loud and hectic:

Why Would Anyone Defend Greg Hardy?

Whatever the variables, and all the spun numbers, the stream’s viewership was fantastic for an internet-only live event—and relatively anemic for a football game.

I can understand why Irsay would be upset. A first half like that must be a tough handful of pills to swallow.

“I’m confused why this article is so positive. When my name is in a headline like that, everyone tells me I should retire... uh... I’m also confused about how I got here?”
-Wes Welker

Me (Gator fan) in 2010: This is awesome, our championship squad is full of future hall of famers!

I hope this includes Blizzard titles like Hearthstone and gets rid of ESL.

I can’t wait until these fines are somehow challenged and overturned in court.

I can’t believe these asshole vandals would melt his face into something unrecognizable like that. This is just shameful.

Now is not the time for petty gotcha articles. We should all be focusing on praying for a full recovery for my all-time favorite Laker.

The game is awesome and hilariously dark and punishing. Also when several party members have simultaneous freakouts and half of my party is abusive and insulting the rest of the group it’s just like hanging out with my friends.