Fartsmello Anthony

The league went pretty far out on a limb by suspending Utley

Bradley was frank when asked directly if the concussion that Pierce possibly suffered sometime before the kickoff contributed to the running back’s confusion.

All Bryant’s agent, Scott Boras, could do was fume. “You are damaging the ethics and brand of Major League Baseball,” he said in front of pictures of clients Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds, and Manny Ramirez.

It just appears that @KDTrey5 needs to learn something about today’s world in professional sports:


I’m sorry but people just wouldn’t be as interested in the ads if the players were compensated for their image. The amateurism is what sets the ads apart.

It has worked for Peter Pan since forever.

Notice anything odd? How about that word “salary”? It’s a bit out of place in a sport the NCAA claims is popular only because the athletes don’t earn a salary. And that “salary remaining” sure sounds lot like a collectively bargained salary cap. It would seem that if the popularity of college sports, as distinguished

In his role as Jeter’s deputy, he likely will be charged with the day-to-day work of the publisher—managing business relationships, overseeing quality control, making budget decisions, preparing the gift baskets, etc.

[Miami Herald Reporter]: And you’re saying he went off script and that caused a lot of the problems?

“Actually I hate all of you. Why won’t anyone give Tebow a shot? He won a playoff game!” -God

I’m sure this guy just made an isolated mistake and isn’t pathological or something, but I have to say this has made me pretty skeptical towards his story about sneaking out the back door of the Benghazi consulate.

“You got off easy.” -JPP

He released this pic today to prove to everyone that his hand is actually fine

Tim Jomsula. Thanks, God bless.

“Uh...yeah it was that stupid TV setting. SOMEONE FIX THE GODDAMN TV SETTING!”

This is a ridiculous thing to say. You think they should avoid the best and easiest solution to a problem card and instead use a terrible, confusing, and clunky solution just for the sake of an arbitrary standard you just made up? K.

His position — his North Star, he calls it — may be dismissed by some as trite, even convenient, but here it is: Notre Dame uses piles of cash as load-bearing support structures in its buildings, and people advocating for paying players are advocating for the literal collapse of the institution.

As a lifelong South Florida resident, I’m reading that answer as a yes.

An assault case should help their draft stock because NFL teams love players who had a pro-style offense in college.