BREAKING: Roger Goodell suspends Judge Berman indefinitely for conduct detrimental to the league
BREAKING: Roger Goodell suspends Judge Berman indefinitely for conduct detrimental to the league
So you’re saying that even at 38 years old he’s still in the top 3 or 4 out of 32 starters... and that’s your evidence that he’s not actually that good?
“As a parent, we learned that you have to draw a hard line and be consistent,” Pegues says.
And still no patron warrior nerf (unless you count making concede instant).
Cam Newton had to watch the replay 7 or 8 times before he believed that “went down without contact” was actually a thing.
ESPN jumped right on this story. Stephen A. Smith’s cheery tour of Anthony Johnson’s house is scheduled for next week.
who gives a shit what the “official” recommendation from WHO is?
Damn, $M from endorsements. She makes too much to be constrained by base 10 numbers. Pretty impressive, Ms. Sharpshoot.
Jay Cutler is going to be looking over his shoulder a lot now.
He sets the agenda. You don’t follow it, you’re dead to him.
Thanks for this. The question is extremely complicated, but this group and others like it are certainly the best place to start answering it, and I appreciate you showing me.
That’s a really good point, and probably a big factor in how these cases are reported. I know we’ve seen that exact scenario play out a lot in cases where it seemed a plausible enough accusation that a trial would have been worthwhile. Also I’m sure that I’m not educated enough on law and journalism to have a good…
I agree that it isn’t unusual. I’m just not sure whether it’s bad and unfair to everyone involved, both accuser and accused.
I honestly don’t know how the media should treat these stories anymore. I always believe the accuser unless there is a very strong reason not to, but at the same time, I don’t know if reporting accusations immediately when they are made is responsible either (this is not a criticism of DS, it would be silly to ignore…
FMK: Trump, Huckabee, Walker
It’s cool that all the attempts to get women into football seem to start with the premise that there is no chance women will actually like football.
But Montgomery County District Attorney Brett Ligon said that PSA about positive parenting never happened.
“We can neither confirm nor deny the existence or nonexistence of a criminal investigation until such a time as a person is charged with a crime,” said Hamburg Police Chief Gregory G. Wickett.
I love that 454 reviews is barely $100 in sales.
It sure looked like Bryant caught him flush with a punch, but the command center in New York reviewed it and ruled it not a catch.